Saturday, March 26, 2011

mini DR reunion

11 years ago I went to the Dominican Republic with BYU study abroad. I made great friends and great memories. Some of us talk and see each other often. Others I haven't really seen since. Kenna, Melanie, Robyn, and I got together this week.11 years later we still have lots of fun. We laughed our heads off thinking of all the great times and decided we need a real reunion...maybe in the DR.
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Monday, March 21, 2011

Spectrum 10K

Rewind a few years before I was a runner. I ran a 5K or two and thought that was about all I could handle. Someone convinced me to run the Rex Lee 10K in Provo. I hated every single second of it. Fast forward to this past weekend now that my distance has increased a little. I ran the Spectrum 10K in St. George on Saturday to complete the runners series and avoid the marathon lottery. I loved it. The race was over before I even knew it and definitely before I had time to get bored. I wish I had more 10Ks in my future. Sadly I do not.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

GIVEAWAYs galore

I LOVE free stuff! Don't you?!? The blog world is exploding with giveaways. Check it out...

And...check out my craft blog

happy st. patrick's day

I LOVE holidays!
A little green jello goes a long way to
1. lighten the mood in the office
2. celebrate the holiday

Hope you did something fun to celebrate. Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
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Monday, March 14, 2011


A little over a year ago my friend Brynn somehow convinced to sign up for a crossfit gym. I had no idea what I was getting myself into other than all of a sudden I was getting my booty kicked every time I went to the gym. Ute Crossfit was started by a former Ute football player and his former Ute soccer player wife. They got all their collegiate athletes to join so the place is pretty intense. If everyone wasn't so nice, I would probably have to quit, but everyone really is so nice. We do crazy things like jump on boxes, handstand pushups, carry sandbags, and other crazy things like pull ups. I struggle with a lot of things at crossfit, but pull ups have been the death of me. I thought I would NEVER be able to do them. I've been working and working and working trying to get better but mostly just got frustrated. One day last week we worked on pull ups. I FINALLY did some pull ups...all on my own and I have the blistered/callused hands to prove it. Let's just hope I can do them again next time.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Girl Date

Sometimes my work gives Hale Center gift certificates as rewards for good performance. What is a single Salt Lake girl supposed to do with $80 to the Hale in Orem?!? Most people I know think Utah county is the other end of the earth so I went with some work friends. I work with some really fun girls. We decided to have a girl date and went to PF Changs for dinner and then saw Hairspray. The venue isn't the best, but the show was really good. Girl date was really fun. Let's do it again!

Monday, March 7, 2011

For Fun

A couple of my blogger friends have done this, and I think it's so fun. I LOVE comments, but I know there are some readers that never comment.'s your chance. I want to know who the readers are and how you know me/found me. I want to know who reads my craft blog too so head on over there for a little surprise.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I try to be somewhat informed but I'll be the first to admit I know next to nothing about politics, government, budgets, etc. What I do know is that after Obama's stimulus plan, my work seems to have plenty of money. I'm all for economic security, but there comes a point when it kind of turns into a bit of a joke. In fact, the joke around the office is "thank you Obama" for most everything including new office chairs, a giganto tv, a 12 year supply of copy paper, and a few other purchases/spending. Hopefully all this economy stimulating doesn't haunt us for the rest of forever but I'm not too optimistic. I also hope I still have a job after this little rant.
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