Tuesday, September 9, 2014

blogging the bach...in paradise 1.6

i really can't believe this was the last week of bach in paradise. they didn't seem anywhere close to a resolution at the end of last week. although, i have been pretty confused the whole time about the resolution.

monday night tradish resumed this week, i watched with celsey, her sister in law amanda and her friend alexis. shawn piped in a few times. there were so many good quotables this week.

"obviously something is different. they told you."--amanda
"this is the last week. aren't they going home anyway. i don't understand."--shawn
"i do not trust ashlee...i don't think she knows who she is."--michelle
"why is her heart heavy for her in the slightest?"--cel ashlee about michelle
"don't give the remote to her. she'll pause it when someone talks"--shawn about amanda
"i feel sad"--graham (you feel sad because she's sad because you're nice)
"it's hard to say goodbye to the concept of loving someone"--graham
"she didn't really walk away. she got dumped. what else was she going to do?"--cel
"it looks like my grandma ate a smoothie and threw it up"--amanda about lacy's romper
"so i'm going to call my 8 year old and get some dating advice"--cel about michelle
"just real quick. before i make this life or death decision, let me call my 8 year old"--cel
"is grandma whispering in her ear?"--cel about brielle
"no it hasn't. it's been painful"--amanda about lacy and marcus after chris h said it's been a pleasure to watch them
"her real world is a strip pole"--amanda about lacy
"cody must feel really good about himself that she's panting"--alexis
"i'm just nervous to spend times with you"--cody (um...whaaattt???)
"like like like like like...."michelle a ton of times
i can't even with all the michelle and cody quotes
"michelle is saying way more than i ever wanted to know about her and cody's relationship"--alexis
"did i make a wrong choice?"--sarah (probs)
"he probably thought i'm just going to fake like i'm sleeping until she's asleep and then i'm going to raid the mini bar and watch HBO"--cel
"he's either proposing or he has syphilis"--cel about marcus
"they have to fake being excited for someone they don't know"--amanda
"we have truly seen it all here"--chris h(that's an understatement)
journey...0 (did they really not say it at all or did i just miss it?)
THINGS I SAW...on twitter

what did everyone think? i never would have put cody and michelle together ever, but they seem really happy. yay for them!


  1. Okay so I stopped watching too soon (it wasn't as fun alone) but what was the point?

  2. Did Marcus propose to Lacy? Did she say yes?

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. It was such a random show!! So many random rules and turn of events. Joe was confused by the fact that they were all coupled off. When they were talking fantasy suite dates he said, "That guy is just going to be sleeping with a different girl tomorrow, she knows that, right?" No... this show is different... hahaha

  4. The only episode I watched was the finale. IDK how in the world I got roped in, but before i knew it the hubs and I were into it. So confused on why Sarah broke up with whoever that guy was... why?! Because he didn't want to sleep with her?? maybe he was trying to respect her. I was in and out of the room with the baby, it all seemed so strange and all over the place!


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