Tuesday, May 30, 2017

blogging the bach 13.2

things are off to a bit of a rough start this season. i never finished watching last week so i don't even know who is still on. even if i knew the names, does anyone really know who anyone is at this point?!? it always takes me several weeks to figure out who is who.

i started watching tonight about half way through. due to the holiday, monday night tradish is on pause until next week so i am watching solo tonight. 

i started watching at the start of the basketball date. lee has a short interview so i know he is still there. i am 95% sure he goes all the way on my bracket. i'm also glad josiah is there. i think i have him going pretty far. demario seems to be a hot topic already. is he going to be the problem causer??? and then comes a girl that claims to be demario's girlfriend-uh oh! looks like i tuned in right at the perfect time. there is A LOT of talking and none of it makes sense. who even know what is going on here...i still have no idea what happened but demario is gone.

rachel likes josiah. the end.

i haven't decided if i'm doing a word tally this season, but i have already heard amazing and right reasons a lot of times tonight.

the cocktail party starts and there are less than 8 minutes of the show left. when is this show going to learn we want to have the rose ceremony at the end of each week???

i don't know who the guy is with the dollhouse, but that is pretty cute. some of these guys are pretty smart to lighten the mood a little.

another week of to be continued...insert angry emoji face here.

who got the one on one(s) this week? what else did i miss?

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

blogging the bach 13.1

we are normally so excited for another season of the bachelor/ette to start, but honestly we have enjoyed the break. we have plenty of time for catch up and chit chat. it took us a little time to get started, but once we did, i think we are going to enjoy the season.
-there are a good handful of attractive men
-there is an equal amount of dweebs
-i was painting my nails during the majority of the entrances so i missed a lot
-we all filled out our brackets before we started watching this time. so far none of us got the first kiss right

we made it through about half the show before i had to leave for the night-clearly i'm not nearly as invested as i usually am. i am much more excited than i was before it started. what did i miss?

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Monday, May 22, 2017

weekend happs

One of the best things about Utah is people always come here to visit. The weekend included a few out of town visitors. 

Celsey and I got together on Friday to bake for Adam and Alecia's gender reveal party. 
As usual Saturday started out with a run. I have another week or two before I really need to get going on marathon training, but I'm trying to keep a pretty solid base. The weather was absolutely beautiful and we had the best day. We got in the mileage we wanted and I feel pretty good heading into official marathon training. 
I finished running just in time to go to Mandi's and meet her mom. She's sassy and hilarious and adorable. I loved meeting her and seeing how much Mandi is like her mom. 

I left Mandi's and got a call to meet up with Jacque. I've missed her the past few times she's been in town so I was so excited to see her this time. We shopped a little and had lunch and got all caught up. I love seeing her any chance we get, and it was great spending the afternoon with her. 
We finished lunch in time to hurry and get ready for the gender reveal party. They did the reveal with fireworks and the rest of us had sparklers for our guesses. It was a lovely night outside. I'm so excited for them and happy to be there to celebrate with them. 
Sunday was busy with the usual Sunday-church, laundry, wash makeup brushes, meal prep routine. My meal prep was took a little longer than I expected but so worth it. I can't wait to eat this week. 
Danielle P snapped this marinade so I used it for a shrimp stir fry. It is so good, and I will definitely make it again. 

How was your weekend? Any exciting happs?


Thursday, May 18, 2017

unblogged bloggable-lensy awards

heidi and brenna had a super fancy work party a couple of months ago and invited mandi and me to be their plus ones for the evening. the dress code was semi-formal, and it was so fun to have a reason to dress up. 

 we had a really fun night and loved getting dressed up.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

wear it wednesday-brunching

saturday brunch is the best! it's fun to dress up a little but not too much. i met brenna and mandi for brunch last week. i wanted to wear something cute but not overly fancy. a cotton dress with a denim jacket was perfect.

old navy dress and jacket. michael kors purse

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Monday, May 15, 2017

weekend happs

i randomly found a few unicorn toys at target several months ago. sage loves unicorns, and i knew it would be the perfect addition to whatever birthday gift i found for her. i found some other things and decided to go with a unicorn theme. i was so excited to celebrate her birthday this past weekend.
we met for pedicures in the late afternoon. it was nice to relax a little and have some pampering.
after pedicures we went to tsunami for dinner. sage knows the manager and several of the workers including our server. we had so much fun and probably caused a little bit of a scene.
the gifts were fun. the food was great. the cake was amazing. we had so much fun.
saturday started with a beautiful run. the weather was amazing. the canyon is so green and pretty right now. after running, i went to pure barre's class in the park at lole. i love class in the studio, but class at the park was a fun change. i spent the rest of the day running errands all day long.
sunday was mother's day. i love the chance to celebrate my own mom and all the other amazing women in my life. it is also a bit of a hard day. it is hard for people who don't have and/or can't have children. it can even be hard for people who have chosen not to have children. i spent the day going to church, visiting a friend, chatting with friends, and the other usual sunday things. it was a pretty great day.
how was your weekend? any exciting happs?

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Thursday, May 11, 2017

random april happs

where in the world did the month of april go? the month started with spring break which was awesome and productive. with travel plans at the end of the month, I decided to work the first day of spring break and stay in town to get stuff done-clean my car, room, and closets along with some other things. I finally made the molds to whiten my teeth with smile brilliant. my trays came, and i'm after a few uses I am so impressed. I can't wait to see what my teeth look like when i'm done.

work basically took over the next couple of weeks of the month. between spring break and taking time off at the end of the month to go to California and more cancellations than I think I have ever had, I had to cram a whole lot of work into a little amount of time. by the time the weekends came, all I wanted to do was relax.

I recently received a package from vellabox to try out. it is one of the cutest subscriptions boxes I've ever seen and provided the perfect relaxation I was looking for. their subscriptions range in price to meet various budgets.
Lucerna—$10/month—you receive one ~4oz candle & a "Surprise" gift
Ignis—$20/month—you receive one ~8oz candle & a "Surprise" gift
Vivere—$30/month—you receive one ~4oz candle & one ~8oz candle & a "Surprise" gift
the candles are all natural and are made with organic wax.

i also got an awesome package from woobamboo including eco friendly dental care prodcuts. i kept a toothbrush and floss for myself and sent the others including the kids and dog toothbrushes to friends and family to try out.
the weather in april was, per usual, all over the place, but it is also one of the most beautiful times in Utah. there was one week where Utah was at its price. the sun was pretty shiny. the tulips were in full bloom. it was my favorite.

how was your april? anything exciting?
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Sunday, May 7, 2017

beauty time tuesday-new products

I put myself on a makeup spending freeze. I love trying new makeup, but I already have soooo much. Besides the search for new concealer and foundation, I've been pretty good about not buying anything new and fun. I do allow myself to replace staple items that run out. 
I recently replaced a couple of my faves-cinema secrets brush cleaner and bleeding lips clear liner. They're both from Sephora and everyday staple items. 

I went to ulta to buy a different, cheaper foundation and got talked into this LancĂ´me 24 hour foundation. I like it. It goes on really smooth and wears pretty well. It is on the pricier end, and I'm still a little on the fence about the value for the price. 
Because I haven't really been buying anything new just to try it out lately, I was really excited influenster sent me those YSL illuminating pen. It goes on really well and they matched my color perfectly. I don't necessarily see a huge difference in using it or not but it's kind of fun to have. 
And finally a confession...I caved and bought lipsense. It is really pretty. I love the extended wear. I'm still not converted to wearing it every single day of my life AKA never wearing all the tons and tons of other products I have and love, but I do like it. 

Your turn. What new products have you purchased lately?  

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weekend happs

sometimes i like low key weekends, and sometimes i stuff them full of fun. this weekend was stuffed full of fun.
i love any excuse for a celebration and cinco de mayo is not exception. tiffany, sage, and i went to dinner to celebrate. we got a little distracted shopping and missed our turn on the list not once but twice. we laughed and had a great time.
saturday started with a beautiful morning run. the weather was perfect, and it made me so excited for summer.
i met up with brenna and mandi for brunch at sweet lake. the place was so cute, and the food was great. after eating we went outside to take a few pictures and found this amazing wall.

dinner group has been on a bit of a hiatus the past year with job changes and moves and overall crazy lives. we had lunch at janeal's on saturday. it was great to catch up on everyone's lives.
laurann and i went to dinner and then the REAL soccer game. the game itself was kind of meh, but being at the game was lots of fun. it was a beautiful night and we had a great time.

how was your weekend? any exciting happs?

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