Tuesday, July 30, 2019

blogging the bach 16. the finale part 2

who's watching-Celsey and a little time with Shawn

I have a confession..I read the spoilers. I couldn't deal with Luke and needed to know how long he would be around. Finding that out meant I found out everything else too. With all the drama and news about Jed and his girlfriend, I couldn't really avoid them.

I don't have a lot to say about the beginning of the episode. Tyler and Jed pick out rings. Hannah doesn't think she can do it. She tells her car to pull over, and she trips in the middle of the road. She chooses Jed and gets engaged. Of course, he had his guitar for the proposal. I can't even take this seriously because of the girlfriend situation.

Hannah finds out about Jed's girlfriend from the People article. Jed comes to talk to Hannah. He has a lot of excuses and down plays things with the girl. She tries over and over to tell him he should be honest. He says he wants to be better for her, and she takes off the ring. 

Hannah sits down with Chris Harrison and tells him/us she is no longer with Jed. He comes out and starts with an apology. He says he regrets his decisions. She says thank you for the apology and tells him she hopes he finds the version of himself that she fell in love with. He still loves her but she doesn't love him anymore. 

Tyler comes out. Hannah is giddy. He is pretty giddy too. They agree to see what is going to happen. 

The previews for paradise look like a whole lot of tears. I can't wait. 

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Monday, July 29, 2019

blogging the bach 16.12..finale part 1

who's watching: Alicia, Krista, Celsey

We've been waiting for the end of the season for weeks, and now it's not even the end. We only have part 1 tonight. 
We pick up where we left off last week-with the rose ceremony. Luke is finally gone FINALLY. Jed gets the first rose. He is the only one besides Luke that she has said she is falling in love with. Tyler gets the other rose. We all love Peter, but I wasn't surprised to see him go. She is hysterical and tries to justify to Peter, and he doesn't want to hear it. He is handling it like such a gentleman and it is a little hard to believe she is the one that is making the decision. They both cry..a lot.
Peter and fam are at After the Final Rose. His poor mom is heart broken for him. He still seems pretty sad but tells Chris H he is ready to get some answers and move on. Hannah comes out and she doesn't have many answers for him. She says he didn't open up quick enough and it was too slow of a burn even though we saw a pretty hot and heavy relationship. Hannah announces to everyone that the windmill was even hotter than she originally said. Peter feels closure.

We get back to the show and Tyler goes to meet her family. They talk about the fantasy suite and her family is impressed. Tyler and Hannah talk about lust vs love and she says she is falling in love with him. 

I still can't even with Jed. Her parents ask about his music. He says he signed a deal with a dog food company to write their jingle. I am so embarrassed right now. Her parents aren't very supportive of Jed. Her mom pretty much tells her to pick Tyler. Her dad does too. She wants them to say they are both great, but it just isn't happening. She talks to Jed. She says she doesn't want to talk about other guys and the proceeds to talk about Tyler. With the rest of America, we looked up the dog food jingle. Enough said. 

Hannah has her final date with Tyler-a redo of the horseback riding date and her final date with Jed on a boat. Her night with Tyler seems pretty good. She is not feeling well on the boat. She is definitely worried. Her time with her family seems to be sinking in for her. Jed apologizes for the night before it even starts. She tells him about the concerns with his music. She is freaking out and tells him that. 
To be continued...

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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

blogging the bach 16.11...Men Tell All

who's watching-The regular Monday night crew is off today so I am watching with Erin. Steve was mostly in his office doing school work, but we did get him to give a little bit of commentary here and there.

I am not usually a huge fan of men tell all. There isn't usually that much to tell, but I have been waiting for weeks for this. We all know it's going to be another episode of the Luke show. As much as I am ready for the end of that, I am very curious to see what Hannah and everyone else including Luke has to say.

Before we can get to the real Luke show, we have to see Luke actually leave the show. Hannah tried to send him home yet again and he came back yet again. Hannah told him to leave, and he flat out refused. He came back truly thinking Hannah wants to be with him. He waltzed right in to the rose ceremony and stood there like it was no big deal except that it was a really big deal. Hannah was livid, and tried to get him to leave. Again he refused. He wanted closure. I'm all for closure. I like it myself, but I do not understand how he didn't have closure. Maybe he felt mixed messages throughout the season as she continued to keep him, but it was pretty clear at the end of their date that this was the end. Hannah tried moving the podium to prove her point. The guys all rallied around her to get him to leave. They were protective but not aggressive which I appreciated. At this point I am so confused why the producers, their handlers, Chris Harrison, somebody doesn't physically remove him. He FINALLY leaves and the rest is to be continued.

The majority of the Men Tell All was Luke Tells All. Some of the guys had a lot to say and some had little to say. Luke said he had no regrets, and in true Luke fashion back pedaled on that multiple times. He eventually said he was sorry for this or that and left the stage to catch a flight. I really hope Luke gets some professional help after his time on this show. 

Hannah clearly regrets keeping him around for so long. If all the rumors are true, the end of this season has been very rough for her. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out next week. I like that she stands up for herself, but I don't always care for the way she does it. I don't think the apology to America was necessary. It felt a bit emotionally immature and could have been handled in a different way. I hope somehow in all of the mess of this season, she is happy or has grown or something positive. We'll see as it all unravels next week.
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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Wear it Wednesday-basic black

I got this dress from My Sister's Closet Boutique. It is the perfect basic black casual dress. It's comfortable. It is long enough, and it has sleeves. They will be selling the dress at a huge discount in the next couple of weeks.

Draper Days (starting July 19th-- booth at Draper City Park)
the Spanish Fork Fiesta Days sidewalk sales (starting July 20th-- this will just be right outside their Spanish Fork store location)
The dress comes in this basic black, sky blue, and rose and is available in sizes S-3X
You can only find this dress at Draper Days or Fiesta Days and it is only $20. Go get it now!

Monday, July 15, 2019

blogging the bach 16.10...fantasy suites

who's watching: Celsey (and a little bit of Shawn) and Amanda

Date #1-Peter
So there are windmills in Greece...need I say more?? I'll keep it short and sweet this week. Peter loves Hannah and finally tells her-over and over. They have their overnight in a windmill.

Date #2-Tyler
They are going to relax today...Hannah isn't worried about their physical connection and neither are we. She is worried if there is more. Hannah tells Tyler she doesn't want to go in to the fantasy suite and have sex. Tyler respects her boundaries. They go to the fantasy suite..on a boat. He respected her boundaries. The end.

Date #3-Jed
Hannah is the most vocal about her feelings for Jed. Things were great until he decided to talk about Luke and then things got super awkward and stay that way. Hannah says she is glad Jed brought that up and then she is very mad and then they go to the fantasy suite. We are very confused.

Date #4-Luke
I already want to hide from embarrassment for him. He backtracks/tries to backtrack. We have been waiting all season for this, and yet it is so uncomfortable to watch. He legit thought she was going to be on board with all of this. She definitely is not. She is furious and says she finally has clarity and Luke is not her husband. Luke won't leave. It's bad. From the looks of the previews, it seems like he still doesn't leave. 

I have never been so excited for men tell all in my whole life.

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Monday, July 8, 2019

blogging the bach 16.9..hometowns

who's watching: Celsey and Krista (also doing nails and it's a legit situation), Alicia, and Amanda

I missed blogging last week because my keyboard was dead. I also am just not super into this season. There has been so much drama and so many things in the news. At this point I am just ready for the season to be over to get to paradise. There was more Luke drama and Luke/Garrett drama. The pot was stirred again and again, and Luke is still there.

It's hometowns week. 
We start with Peter's hometown. He is so cute. They are cute together. His family was really nice. His dad was very emotional about it all. They drove around and flew in his plane. He is my favorite. I am torn between wanting her to choose him and wanting him to be the next bachelor.

Tyler is up next, and Hannah and Tyler are hot and heavy. They explore his cute coastal town. He hasn't seen his dad for a while. His dad got sick and things were pretty scary. He sees his dad and they have a nice moment. Tyler is falling in love and lust. 

I can't exactly say I am excited to see Luke's hometown date. I am pretty churchy, but I don't think I would take a bachelor date to anything churchy. I am not even sure what exactly he is talking about. It's just kind of a lot. They go to his house and talk with his family about the struggles they/he has had this season. His family gives him a hard time about it. Hannah talks to his brother about how hard it's been. She says their emotional connection is strong, but we all think maybe she meant to say their physical connection. Luke tells Hannah he loves her and sees her as his wife. Hannah doesn't say anything back but tells us she is falling in love with him.

Jed's date is last. They go to the recording studio..surprise surprise. They write a song about their time together and record it. They meet his family. They are the least accepting of all the families. They say they don't know that Jed falling in love is a good thing. They aren't very nice.

I kind of forgot about the rose ceremony. Peter and Tyler get roses and then Hannah doesn't know what to do. She leaves the room and tells Chris H she can't make a decision. He gives her an extra rose and they all stay. 

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