Monday, January 29, 2024

Aches and Pains

I have (knock on wood) been relatively healthy throughout my life. My circle of friends is mostly younger than I am, and somehow that keeps me younger in some ways. Thanks to a solid skincare routine and botox no one can ever guess my age. The past couple of years are really starting to make me feel my age at times. In the past couple of years I started having issues with my feet.

I have definitely been looking for pain relief in various forms. After walking or standing for a while and definitely during and after a long run, my feet are so achy. While training for my last marathon I really did not know if I was going to make it. I actually changed my shoes and spent the last 8 miles of the marathon in birkenstocks. I am really interested in options to reduce the ache. Some things that seem to help are creams and gels, ice, physical therapy and good shoes. I spent about a year trying to figure things out on my own with a little help from the physical therapist at work. I tried switching sizes of running shoes, using kinesio tape, and trying everything to fix my problem. I finally decided to start regular physical therapy and it has helped so much. I don't know if my feet will ever be 100% pain free, but things are better than they have been in a few years. It is nice to have creams and gels on hand to help keep the ache at bay when things start to flair up. I am finally getting to the point that I feel like I can increase my miles while running. I still have to be really careful about shoes. If I don't wear high quality shoes, I pay for it. Have you ever dealt with feet pain? Do you have any ideas for me?

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*posted in collaboration with Responsival

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Help the Community

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Do you know how close-knit communities feel so connected? Not like gated communities, but a neighborhood or even a town that supports one another. There isn’t this individualism mentality, but instead, everyone joins together to make their home a better place for them and those around them, learning lifesaving skills in case it’s needed, joining up together for activities for a good cause (like a fundraiser), and so much more.

As you probably already know, communities thrive when individuals actively contribute to their betterment. Whether you reside in a bustling city or a close-knit neighborhood, there are numerous ways you can make a positive impact and help improve everyone's quality of life. 

Seriously, you have the power to make your community a better place, no matter where it’s at. But with that said, how can you do it? What should you do? Well, here are some steps you can take to contribute to the well-being and development of your community.

Look Into Volunteering Your Time

This can honestly come in so many different forms. This is actually the amazing part of volunteering because it’s not just one thing you can do, but multiple. You could advocate for Millennia Companies to provide affordable housing to your neighborhood (something that is definitely needed nowadays). You can look into devoting some of your free time to local charities, community organizations, or initiatives that align with your interests. But in general, volunteering is a hands-on way to address specific needs within your community, from supporting local schools to participating in environmental cleanup projects. It doesn’t even need to be your neighborhood or town; even if you focus on surrounding areas, these technically impact your community, too. 

Support Small and Local Businesses

You’re not really helping out the local economy by shopping at chains, so why not go smaller? Just try and choose to shop at locally-owned businesses to stimulate the local economy. Again, chains just don’t really do that. Your purchases contribute to job creation and help small businesses thrive, fostering a sense of community and sustainability.

Are There Neighborhood Initiatives?

What’s really going to make a big impact (and get smiles on people's faces) would be to just join or initiate community groups, such as neighborhood watch programs, gardening clubs, or cultural exchange organizations. Why do this? Well participating in these activities strengthens community bonds and promotes collaboration for shared goals. Sometimes, it’s not always about making a massive difference, but even something small could be excellent to do, too. 

Skill Sharing

No, not like the website SkillShare, but this is actually about sharing skills that you know. There was an example earlier about life-saving skills, like CPR or first aid, but it can go above that, too.  You can simply offer your expertise or mentorship to individuals in your community, whether it's helping with career advice, tutoring, or sharing skills. Usually, these can be done at a local community college, community resource center, or even the library. It’s technically a part of volunteer work, but it definitely deserves to have its own attention, too. 

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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

7 Lifesaving Skills to Learn

7 Life-Saving Skills Worth Learning

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Life can sometimes present unforeseen circumstances, which can be better managed if you’re well-prepared. One such possible situation is a medical emergency, making it vital to know some basic life-saving skills, such as first aid, for yourself and others. According to research, about only 18% of people are up-to-date in CPR training, leaving room for more improvement. If you’re wondering what life-saving skills you need to equip yourself for your health and medical emergencies, below are seven such techniques that can make all the difference. 

  1. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

CPR is a life-saving skill that requires that you know what to do during cardiac emergencies. The only way to deliver as expected is to practice on mannequins as often as possible or renew training annually. It is a skill that begins with assessing the victim of a cardiac emergency. If they aren’t breathing, the first thing to do is to begin with measured chest compressions while administering rescue breaths through the mouth. The reason annual re-training is vital is because the lack of practice can result in getting it wrong with compression depth and rate. Even your hand placement can make a difference in the victim’s survival. Due to these intricacies, it would be best to sign up for a CPR certification course that focuses on hands-on practice and refresher courses to refine your technique. It takes confidence to perform CPR effectively, and you can be a pro when you take it seriously.

  1. Choking response

Anyone can experience choking, but data indicates that it happens a lot more in younger children than adults. It is a potentially life-threatening situation that requires quick thinking and action to restore proper respiration to the lungs. The acclaimed Heimlich maneuver has saved millions of children worldwide with its abdominal thrust technique. This maneuver is used to dislodge a foreign object from the airway and to help the victim breathe easier. The technique is administered by standing behind the choking victim and making upward abdominal thrusts with your fist. You will have to ensure that the victim has a clear path to cough up whatever is lodged in their throat. Some choking victims may even throw up, but you can avoid further inconveniences by keeping the path clear from onlookers, tables, or anything of value. The technique is different among infants and pregnant women, so the traditional Heimlich technique may not work well in that scenario. Experts say constant practice on mannequins can make a significant difference in saving someone’s life when the situation demands it.

  1. Fire safety and evacuation techniques

According to data, the US records 358,300 home fires annually, with children and senior citizens being among the highest casualty cases. Aside from knowing the basic fire prevention measures at home, knowing safety measures and evacuation techniques will be useful. For example, crawling low during a fire outbreak reduces harmful smoke inhalation. The scientific explanation for this is that heat and smoke rise; therefore, staying closer to the floor reduces the risk of fume inhalation. You can also dampen a clean napkin to cover your nose and mouth to reduce excessive smoke inhalation in a fire. Another fire safety measure is to learn how to use fire extinguishers to save yourself and others in the event of an outbreak. It will be best to stay informed about changing fire safety measures as that helps you to respond appropriately in such emergencies.

  1. Basic wound care

An health report states that the average person will endure 9,672 minor injuries from childhood into adulthood. Minor injuries may seem like nothing until they get infected and cause major health issues. Cuts, scrapes, and punctures require thorough cleaning with mild soap and water to clear the area of opportunistic microorganisms on the skin’s surface. The next step is to apply a mild antiseptic over the wound, followed by a sterile dressing or bandage. You can take first aid certification online courses to get better at caring for basic wounds and other types of injuries that require immediate attention. Some basic wounds may require professional medical attention, especially when they are deep and heavily contaminated. Remember to keep your first aid supplies clean and stored in a cool, dry place to prevent humidity and heat damage. Always check for the expiry dates of your supplies and change them as soon as they are due.

  1. Seizure response

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 3.4 million people have active epileptic cases in the US. Out of this number, more than half experience seizures at least twice a year. Seizures are alarming and unpredictable; therefore, staying calm in such situations is necessary. Experts say creating a safe, immediate environment during an active seizure is vital. That can only be done when you witness an episode and are in the position to remove dangerous objects from the person. The most important thing is to cushion their head and roll them onto their side to facilitate breathing during a seizure. Sometimes, it may be necessary to place a soft, clean napkin between the person’s upper and lower jaws to prevent accidental biting of the tongue and inner cheeks. According to medical experts, repeat seizures in a period lasting more than five minutes are cause for concern. It will be safer to call an ambulance or drive them to the nearest emergency center for medical attention.

  1. Allergic reaction management

The Allergy and Asthma Network says over 50 million people in the United States have allergies, with more than half experiencing anaphylaxis at least once every quarter. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction characterized by rapid heart rate, breathing difficulties, and swelling. The best thing to do when you see these symptoms is to administer an epinephrine auto-injector if available. In the absence of an auto-injector, emergency medical services must be your next line of action to save a life. If you, and not another person, suffer a severe allergic reaction, it will be life-saving to identify the immediate signs. Prompt and effective intervention can produce positive outcomes from a dire health situation that could have gone south. Sharing information about your allergies with trusted friends, family, and colleagues can also be a life-saving measure. That way, they can take action when the need arises.

  1. Treating burns

One of the first things to do after sustaining a burn is to run cool water over the affected part. This step should be carried out for about ten minutes to allow the cooler temperature to stop further injuries to the skin. A lot of accidental home burns happen in the kitchen, where access to cool water is not a problem. After running cool water over the area, protect the affected part with a clean, non-stick cloth or bandage to reduce the risk of infection. Not everyone knows how to categorize burns into first, second, or third, but observation of the burned body part will inform you how severe it is. The worst thing to do in such situations is to apply ice directly to the burned body part. Ice sticks to the skin and can cause further harm when used on burns. Additionally, avoid using adhesive bandages because they can rip off the already compromised burnt skin.

Medical emergencies can arise at any time and can be overwhelming, especially when you don’t know what to do. However, the more you learn the life-saving measures listed above, the better you will be at managing situations that require prompt attention.

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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Getting Back on Track

Hey there! Let’s chat. You know, life’s a bit like a meandering river – sometimes it takes unexpected turns, and occasionally, we find ourselves in a bit of a pickle. But hey, pickles can be delicious, right? So, if you’ve wandered down a path that feels more ‘like a thorny bush’ than a yellow brick road,’ fear not! Here’s a friendly guide to help you get your life back on track without the pressure of becoming the next superhero.

Via Pixabay

Acknowledge the Oopsy-Daisy

First up, let’s address the elephant in the room – or the uninvited flamingo at your garden party. Accepting that things aren’t quite going as planned is not admitting defeat. It’s like realizing you’ve been using your phone upside down. A bit awkward, sure, but totally fixable. Give yourself a pat on the back for recognizing it – self-awareness is a superpower!

Map It Out, But Expect Detours

Now, let’s sketch a rough map. Where do you want to go? No, you don’t need a 10-year plan with a PowerPoint presentation. Just a general direction will do. But remember, life loves throwing surprise parties, so be ready for a few detours and confetti along the way.

The Power of Baby Steps

Thinking about the entire journey can be overwhelming, like contemplating the infinite universe while brushing your teeth. So, take baby steps. Literally, want to get fit? Start with a walk to your fridge. Want to save money? Maybe don’t buy that life-sized unicorn statue just yet. Small victories lead to big triumphs.

Your Cheer Squad Matters

Surround yourself with people who cheer for you – and not just when you offer them pizza. Positive vibes are contagious, and having a support squad can be the difference between feeling like a lonely sock in the washing machine and being part of a groovy sock puppet party.

Mistakes are Gold Dust

Made a boo-boo? Congratulations! Mistakes are like life’s own plot twists. They’re valuable lessons, not failures. Embrace them, learn from them, and maybe even have a chuckle over them. Just don’t set up camp and live in them.

Navigating Legal Waters

Facing a legal challenge? Enter Barone Defense Firm, your legal lifeboat in the tumultuous sea of the judicial system. They’re the calm, expert presence in times when you feel like you’re blindly playing a legal version of ‘Pin the tail on the donkey.’ Seeking professional help, be it for legal issues, mental health, or that DIY project gone wrong, is a smart move. 

Flexibility is Key

Be like a bendy straw, not a rigid chopstick. Life will throw curveballs, and your ability to adapt is crucial. Got thrown off course? Take a deep breath, do a little shimmy, and find a new angle.

Gratitude is Your Secret Weapon

Even on cloudy days, there’s something to be grateful for. Maybe it’s your comfy socks or that the barista spelled your name right. Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s missing to what’s present, and that’s a game-changer.

So, my friend, if you’ve strayed a bit off course, it’s okay. Life doesn’t come with a GPS, and sometimes, the best adventures are found in the detours. 

*collaborative post

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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Dance Your Way Into Fitness

Photo by Jackson David

If you're like most people on the planet then you don't like to exercise. You'll probably find lots of excuses and think of a million reasons why you should procrastinate and start tomorrow. This is not unusual because fitness takes discipline. 

For many, exercising is not pleasant, especially when you're just getting started. One way to make the process a little less painful and ease yourself into it is to find a way to exercise that you find enjoyable. 

One of the best ways to do this is to get into dance fitness. If this idea sounds like fun you should keep reading because you're going to get a closer look at why this is one of the best forms workouts on the planet.

Get a Full Body Workout

The great thing about dancing is that it will give you a full-body workout. There are several workouts out there and if you scroll on YouTube mindlessly you find a lot of them that focus on a specific area of the body and muscle groups.

However, imagine having a workout that focuses on your entire body while letting you have fun. You won't even realize you're working these muscles until you start noticing how toned you are. 

You can craft your body and chisel out a masterpiece of a figure just by moving to your favorite music and doing some cool moves.

Set Those Calories on Fire

If you're ready to set those calories on fire and watch them burn then switch to dancing. As mentioned before you're going to be burning calories without even realizing it. 

The more intense the style of dance is, the more likely it is that you're going to set those calories on fire. You can say “bye-bye” to being on a monotonous boring treadmill for hours at a time. 

Shake your body and get into shape while enjoying your favorite music. If you have had any of the different types of body lift this can enhance it.

Explode Your Endorphins

One of the great things about using dance to get fit is that you can explode your endorphins. This leaves you on what is known as a “dancer's high”. 

Dancing triggers some of the most endorphins of any form of exercise. If you don't know what endorphins are, they are the feel-good hormones that are released when you move. 

They help to relieve stress and put you in a good mood.

Get Heart Healthy

If you're looking to get heart-healthy then this type of workout is one of the best ways to do so. It is an effective way to get your heart pumping while having fun. 

Whether you are salsaing or doing a hip-hop routine that has all your energy, you are helping to improve your cardiovascular health. This means you're having a blast while getting fit and keeping your heart healthy. 

This is undeniably a win-win situation for you. It doesn't get better than this.

Socialize With Likeminded People

If you're looking to expand your social circle then diving into dancing is one of the best ways to do this. You will not only be exercising and breaking a sweat but you can join dance classes and even get into dance events if you want to. 

It's a great way to stay socially connected and improve your network while enjoying a great workout routine.

Get Flexible

You probably saw this one coming but it's worth mentioning. If you're looking to keep your muscles and your joints as supple then this is the best way to do this. 

You want to make sure that you are able to move around with ease. This is especially important as you get older and dancing is one of the best ways for you to stay as flexible as possible as you age.

Be sure to not overdo it though you want to keep your dance routine as safe as possible. This is why it's a good idea to join a class with a qualified instructor.

Don't go “footloose” on your own. Getting on the right pathway you'll keep injuries at day.

If you're ready to dance your way to the body of your dreams then a great dance routine that you do regularly is just for you. The only way to get those jaw droppings and head turning when you walk into a room is to make sure you stick to your commitment to get moving in this creative way. 

Once you do this you're going to live into the look you're aiming for very easily. It won't be long before you'll be styling some great outfits that look fabulous on you.

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*collaborative post