Monday, December 8, 2008

Karlee Comes to Visit...And Chelsea

Chelsea had the great idea to come drive up with me after Thanksgiving and spend the week visiting friends and family before Jeff flew in for the weekend. I loved having her and Karlee here all week. We took her to see the elves at Gardner Village and the lights at Temple Square but we didn't last long in the frigid weather. She also tried peas for the first time, started sitting up better, had bath time, and met lots of new people (mine and Chelsea's friends). It was so fun coming home from work everyday and playing with her. Karlee is such a good baby, but she was definitely off her schedule/routine here. After the week was over and Chelsea was up lots in the night with Karlee, I'm not so sure she thinks it was such a great idea to spend a week away from home. She did get to see lots of old friends and roommates and also spend time with her in laws, but you'll have to ask her if it was worth it. She might be regretting our almost two week trip to Missouri coming up. I on the other hand am loving all the time I get to spend with her and Karlee.


  1. I'm still glad I came. It was a lot of fun eventhough Karlee didn't sleep well. Now that she is back in her crib she is sleeping much better. Can't believe we leave for Missouri in a week!

  2. I love having Chelsea and Karlee around too!

    Come back any time!


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