Sunday, January 4, 2009

Holiday Recap

I love the holidays-all of them, but Christmas is my favorite of all. The holidays were great. I'm so sad they are over. We finally took down the Christmas decorations yesterday, and our house looks so empty now. Here's a recap of my holiday break.

Karlee helped with my bday presents. I got some great stuff including Miracle Blade knives

fun with Karlee-in her Christmas outfit, meeting Ashley's dog and playing

Karlee's first Christmas-she is so spoiled already

My dad always wants to take pictures of the whole family while we're there but springs it on us at the last minute so we're not exactly looking our best

the too-close-to Christmas crappy Dec bdays celebration
The holidays were great-lots of great time with the fam, lots of relaxing, lots of celebrating. Happy New Year!


  1. Hey! I need to call you! HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY! I thought about you the day before, then forgot! That's why it is crappy having one so close to Christmas, right? Anyway...I'll call you. Turns out we're not going to do the Nashville parents have stuff going on that weekend. But I am going to do the Ogden 1/2 marathon. You should too! Love ya!

  2. I love the miracle blade knives, they really are the best! Glad you had some good holiday times. :)

  3. I hope Karlee didn't help open the Miracle Blades =)

  4. Oh fun times with the family! Your birthday was especially awesome.


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