Sunday, February 1, 2009

My New Fave

Winter is rough on my lips. They sometimes peel all the way off several times a day. They crack and bleed and hurt no matter what I do. I have tried every lipgloss, chapstick, neosporin, bag balm, etc. under the sun, and nothing ever works. It's so gross and drives me crazy. I keep looking for something, anything to fix my nasty lips, and then I found this...

This stuff is amazing. I bought some last year and liked it but never realized it could save my lips. I try to keep it on at all times. I'm sitting in my PJs blogging, and I have this on my lips. I'm probably jinxing myself by writing this, but my lips haven't peeled once since I started using it. They've survived the past few nasty snow storms and frigid cold with no peeling. Good thing Bath and Body Works just had their sale so I could stock up. If you have nasty peeling lips like me or are just looking for a yummy lips gloss, I highly recommend this stuff!


  1. I sure do love when you find something good like that. I loved Burt's Bees and thought it was the best stuff ever but they have now been bought out by clorox and changed their ingredients. I'm pretty sure it dries out my lips now. JERKS! I do like the B&B Works stuff though. :)

  2. Wow, that's so funny! I got a free one of these at a baby shower last year and found that it did weird things to my lips...they got more chapped and cracked (maybe because I was licking them did taste good...). Well, I'm glad you like them.:)


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