Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Karlee

Karlee turned a year old on Friday. I can't believe it. This year has gone by so fast. Check out Chelsea's blog for full details. She planned Karlee's party a week early so I could be there. She is so cute and doing such fun things right now. Her little personality is coming out so much, and she is seriously so dang cute. She is still such a tiny thing and moving all over the place.

Karlee got to eat a cupcake. She didn't get too messy, but she did eat the whole thing and loved it. She loves sugar!

I let her open her present so I could see her play with it. She loves the animals.

Her party was a bug party. We spent all day the day before preparing for the party-making a caterpillar of cupcakes, ladybug cookies, a sun from carrots and dip, and flowers from grapes and chips. The party was really cute, but it was super windy. I think half the food blew on the ground, but everyone seemed to have a good time.

me with Chelsea's old roommate Melissa.

daddy, momma, and big girl Karlee

I was so glad I got to go down and celebrate Karlee's birthday. She loved her bug party at the park and obviously had no idea all that fuss was for her.


  1. We are so glad that you were able to come. Karlee loves her Aunt Aubrey! Hopefully we will see you next week.

  2. sorry I missed you and the big party...see you soon, though.


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