Saturday, August 15, 2009

Picture This...

and 3 cute ladies (ages 78, 76, and 60 something) in the monsoon rains in yellow rain jackets running down millcreek canyon this morning. i realize it is crazy to run 13 miles in the pouring rain, but how can i not when i have these cute ladies to motivate me? it was the cutest thing. i wish i had my camera.


  1. Um I think it's crazy to run 13 miles period...Oh wait, I am training for a half marathon and will be running 13 miles too. I still think it's crazy but glad you have motivation!!! Are you training for a race or just running to run?

  2. You are so amazing!! It is so great that you just decide to do these things....and then do them! One day i hope to run 13 miles. Ok, not really, but I wish that I wanted to. :)

  3. I am running the Vegas Ragnar race in October so I guess I am training for that or at least should be. You'll love the 1/2. Can't wait to hear about it.

  4. How awesome is that Aubrey! I was out in the rain also... its good to have goals huh! :) Congrats! And those older women... WOW!


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