Thursday, September 10, 2009

Outdoor Girl #1

Outdoor Girl is least for a couple weeks. Patty, Anna, Carrie, and I headed up to Bear Lake for a quick overnighter. We left a little later than planned and arrived a little later than planned, but it was sure a fun trip. It was so pretty being up there. Anna and I went for a nice long bike ride in the morning. We hoped to go to the lake, but it was pretty overcast. We ended up relaxing in the tent for a while before heading back. It was a fun little outdoorsy get away.

Carrie and Patty in the tent

before my longest bike ride of the season. i want to bike all the way around next year.

gas station stop on way out of town. we also stopped for shakes on the way out and pizza in Logan.

Stay tuned for Outdoor Girl #2...


  1. rude! You were in Logan, but didn't even tell me! JK, I totally understand. Actually I was probably is SLC anyway!

  2. You so totally rock! Looks like a lot of fun.


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