Monday, September 28, 2009

Outdoor Girl #2

I know it's hard to believe, but I went camping 2 weeks in a row. This time a group of friends headed up to Jackson Hole for a quick river rafting trip. I missed the trip last year when i was in the hospital so I was determined to make the trip this year. I have always been scared of the river due to the many horror stories I have heard. i knew the trip would be a good time even if i didn't go down the river. I skipped the morning run to get in a quick run up the canyon. We almost got rained out in the afternoon, but the weather got better so we hit the river. It was actually a lot of fun and not nearly as scary as I imagined. It was so much fun to spend the weekend with old friends.
Courtney and I drove up to Jackson Hole. We had fun catching up. We talked and laughed the whole way there.
For $20 we get 2 runs down the river, camp sites, and all our meals. It is quite the setup.
sitting around the campfire


  1. I love camping...but haven't gone in a long time! Looks like you guys had fun!

  2. The only time I have been to Jackson Hole was when I was 17 but I loved it. I was hoping to go again before I left Utah. I'll just have to go anyway!


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