Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thank You Jet Blue

Thanks to the Jet Blue all you can jet pass, I've spent the past month basically living out of a suitcase and traveling the world.

total cost...$599(plus $85 tax for the Costa Rica flights)
days spent flying....13
number of flights....20
hours in the air....57
hours in the airport....26
places traveled.....Seattle(thanks to Southwest and my job but it was in the month), NYC, Long Beach(airport only-several times), Chicago, Vegas, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Boston, Vegas again
mucho fun
totally worth it


  1. That is a lot of hours in the air and at the airport. Glad you had so much fun though and you made it down here.

  2. Aubs. That's amazing! I'm glad you had so much fun.

  3. Wow Aubrey, how fun to travel so much. I'm kind-of jealous! I'm glad you get to have all these fun experiences while visiting such great places. Thanks for your confidence in me being able to run a half-marathon. I really want to do it, so I better get going!

  4. Your amazing travels just go on and on...I'm so glad you did the Jet Blue pass because you are the kind of adventurous traveler who would really enjoy it and take advantage of it!


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