Sunday, October 3, 2010

26.2...St. George version

I've known since May 6 of this year that I was for sure running the St. George marathon. I tried to get in last year and didn't so I figured I would try this year and not get in and get the automatic third time's a charm entry next year. Why would I ever think things would go as planned?!? Of course I would get in this year even though I already had a fall marathon planned (New York). Luckily I have lots of people to train with. I did my fair share of training before my month of weekend travels in September and even forced a last minute 10 miler on the treadmill a week before, but for some reason I was not feeling totally ready. Ready or not race day came. My usual pre-race jitters didn't set in until about 10:00 Friday night, and after that I was FREAKING OUT!

4:45 am group shot (Teresa, Brynn, Shawna, me)
finish line
with Brynn post race. congrats to Brynn on her first marathon!
26.2 miles later

My FREAK OUT was for good reason. My race morning got off to a bit of a rough start. It took me a good 20 minutes to get my left contact in which left me very little time for the rest of my getting ready. By the time we got in the car to leave, I was in tears and wondering why in the world I thought this was a good idea. When we got off the bus and no one was freezing we knew we were in for a HOT race, and it was...HOTTER than heck! I also unfortunately had to stop at the port a potties 3 times and the aid station for vaseline on my blistered toes at mile 23 so my time was a little off from my goal. Considering the conditions of the day, I don't think I could have done any better. Even though I didn't meet my goal, I think I did the very best I could.

I love running with seasoned runners! I pick up a few good tips each race. I got the tube socks for arm warmers last time. This time i upped my caffeine intake towards the end of the race, and it worked like a dream. I will definitely do that again. Thanks Shawna for the tips.

I had a few moments of panic a little too early on wondering why I do this, and why I have plans to do it again next month. Now that's it's all over, I think I might want to do it again next year. Who's in? Runner's Series opens tomorrow.


  1. Aubs - I am so proud of you for doing the SG marathon! You are such a great trooper! And to think you are doing another one next month...

    You are my hero babe! Congrats and way to go!

  2. Wow!! Congrats. Never mind about about meeting your goal time, you finished, for me that would be a miracle!

  3. You are amazing! I do six on the eliptical and think I'm pushing it. Great job! Look out New York.

  4. If I had known that you and Robyn were both going to be there, we could have gotten together! Of course, I didn't even know I was going to be in St. G until thursday afternoon. My boys went with my parents to see my sis in law run by, I wonder if you ran by too!

  5. YAY! I'm so proud of you! Seriously I bet it was so hot!! And I agree, you FINISHED who cares about goal times. 26.2 isn't something a lot of people can say they did! Congrats girl!

  6. reading this ALMOST made me think about training for a marathon! It was a year ago that I ran my first, and only, half. I remember one time you saying to me "once you run one race you will only want to run more." It's been a year and I am only just starting to get the inkling to train for another race. I am always inspired by you though!!!

  7. You are amazing! I am doing the Halloween Half next week and I am so nervous I may wet my pants. I did another half once, but it was ten years ago! You have any good tips for me?! When you say you upped your caffeine, how did you do it?


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