Wednesday, December 8, 2010


We're all in Missouri for an early Christmas. Today's fun activity was family bowling. Karlee went bowling in Vegas a while ago and loved it. Unfortunately Dad couldn't come, but the rest of us were there. Jake was the top scorer out of all of us, and I might have had the lowest score. Bowling probably isn't my sport, but it was a fun time with the fam.

Zach showing off his skills

Chelsea in action

this picture of my mom is so funny. she actually got a spare with this shot.

Karlee is definitely the cutest little bowler. She got so excited when it was her turn.

for some reason i think i need to throw the ball.

group shots


  1. That's it!!! Next time the group is going bowling no excuses! You're bowling!!!! :)

    Looks like fun!

  2. I would think you would be a better bowler by now. What with all the times we have a work sponsored bowling event!

  3. How Fun!

    I just love bowling, and don't do it nearly enough! I hope all is well with you...


  4. A comment from a friend at work who used to run a bowling alley: "Well, she does have good follow-through!".

  5. I got your pic but they are all so little.


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