Friday, January 28, 2011

13.1...St. George

Last weekend I escaped winter long enough to go run the St. George half. It's part of the marathon runners series so I did it mostly because I HAD to. The weather was amazing. The course was ok. I loved that Chelsea and family came to watch and hated that I somehow didn't bring my running shoes...oops. Overall great weekend with friends, family, and a little running.
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  1. Way to go Aubs! You are such an inspiration to me, because you always seem to be running no matter the distance, weather, location or if you have your shoes!

    It was SO fun to see you down there and to go to dinner!


  2. you are amazing. have a blast with anne this weekend!

  3. I'm glad we could finally watch you run! Wish I had the motivation to do something like that:)


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