Sunday, February 13, 2011

Recent Obsessions

Lately I keep finding myself saying "I'm so obsessed with that". I can't imagine how one person can be obsessed with so many things, but apparently I am. Here are a few of my current obsessions.

I've been obsessed with these Steve Madden boots for a while now. I never wanted to justify the price until now when they were on clearance and part of buy one get one half off. I love good deals especially when it's something I have wanted for a long time.

Route 44 diet coke with lemon and vanilla. I should probably stop drinking so much soda, but I'll worry about that later. It is just so good. It doesn't help that most of my office is obsessed too.

I have to look at the updated posts daily. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with this online "show". I think it might be because they are real people living real lives just like the rest of us. I'm so excited to see who he chooses and really hope it's Jane Madsen. Luckily the clips are 10 minutes or less so time wasting (usually at work) is minimal.

I've been reading about this amazing like a soda cup but for water cup on Aubry's blog. Even though I drink way too much soda, I'm pretty good about drinking lots of water too. This cup is amazing. I love it! I sometimes feel like I don't even need diet coke if I just drink water out of this cup. Thanks to TJMaxx I got 2 for best price.

Ashley had gray nails when I was in Missouri. I painted mine and didn't really know what to think. For some reason I came home and thought I HAD to have it...immediately of course. I went to Trade Secret and scored big time when I got this regularly priced $8.50 nail polish for $1.80. It's my new fav. I'm wearing it right now.

Friends (Brynn Larsen) has been trying to convince me for years that leggings are the best thing ever. I finally believe her. I LOVE leggins/jeggings/whatever...perfect for sitting on the floor with the little tykes all day. I hope they don't go out of style in two minutes.

My last obsession is a quote I read a couple weeks ago on Facebook. It is my new motto and so perfect for my life..."we must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us."

1 comment:

  1. i love this, and I get obsessed with things too! hahaha!


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