Monday, May 23, 2011

26.2...Ogden version round 2

Somehow someone or something convinced me to sign up for the Grand Slam. I've pretty much been dreading it ever since...not the best thoughts to be having staring at a 4 marathon year. I've been anxious to get going and at least get one down. Saturday I got one down...barely.

Teresa, me, Caroyn, and Alyson after the finish

My usual training tactics haven't been working that well lately, and my long runs were pretty rough. I tried to be positive and hope for the best. I did the Ogden marathon last year. I was a little excited to do it again. I remembered how beautiful the course is but somehow forgot about the many rolling hills that nearly killed me. I was freaking out all week and especially Friday evening and early Saturday morning, but somehow once I stood on the road for the start line I suddenly felt calm. I started out pretty well (not too fast and not too slow). Somewhere along the way (not exactly sure where or when or even what) I went from doing pretty well to ending pretty bad. Not my best marathon but not my worst. Lucky for me I have 3 more chances this year to do better. Time to step it up a notch. Anyone want to go running?

stay tuned for a post about my thoughts on running and how I actually survive these dang things...over and over again


  1. You ran it . . that is what matters! Also, amazing that you are doing the grand slam. I'm debating Utah Valley? Crazy? Maybe.

    Top of my list right now is getting a pedicure asap. . . want to go?

  2. Way to go! I am just so proud of you for doing 4 this are a crazy woman!

    I can't wait to hear about the success of your races...



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