Sunday, July 10, 2011

running hiatus=biking

I've been on a running break for the past 3 weeks due to my hip injury. If we're being honest it's more like a walking break. It's a serious damper. The only upside is I've rediscovered my love for road biking. I forgot how much I love it. I went out yesterday planning to do a good long ride. About 7 miles into the ride my back tire didn't feel right. I pulled over to discover a completely flat tire so I called my roommate Suzie. Luckily she's so nice and came to rescue me. So much for my nice long ride and my biking love.
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  1. Emily Maycock from our Ragnar team is way into road biking! You should go together. :) I have a mt. bike and love that stuff but have never tried road biking. Not sure if I'd like it or not. I hope your hip gets feeling better soon!

  2. Oh No! I hate when that happens. I am sorry your hip is still giving you some issues, but I'm glad that you are out on the bike. Biking seriously is just so great...

    I miss you and I would love to see all of you again soon!


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