Wednesday, October 26, 2011

ya never know

Please excuse the pictureless post. I'm supposed to be working right now (It's 7pm though so I don't feel too guilty), but this is blog worthy if you ask me. I've kind of been dying over the blog world lately. Confession...I'm a little jealous of all the bloggers who have tons of followers. I kind of want to be one of those, but I usually feel like only 2.5 people read my blogs. Well, I guest posted last week over on roommate Suzie's blog. Only 2 people commented which made me think less than 2.5 people actually read my blog. Roommate Suzie just called to inform me that 66 people viewed my post and in her words "you're way cooler than you think you are". Way to make a girl's day! I feel so popular even if it really is only for a minute. Thanks for reading people (whoever you are).


  1. I totally read...I am just bad at commenting. Sure do love ya though:)

  2. I read it! And I feel the same way. :) I have a friend who always has 15+ comments on her posts... sheesh! How does she have all those people wrapped around her finger?! Well anyway... we'll be big and famous one day. In the mean time, at least we have each other.

  3. I read your blogs. I just don't usually comment because I'm short on time. I should change that! :)

  4. I read your blog too but I am aweful at commenting on blogs because I follow TONS and I do so through google reader. I am usually too lazy to actually go to the blog itself to comment!!

  5. Hi Aubrey! I read your blog :-)

  6. I bet a lot more people read your blog then actually comment.


thanks for stopping by. i love love love hearing from you! i usually respond to comments through email so make sure you aren't a no-reply blogger.