Thursday, October 18, 2012

blog construction and hair help

a few random things...

1. my blog is in the process of a little makeover. it might be a bit of a mess the next few weeks. i'm taking down the links on the side so if you use them to find another blog, save them. they'll probably be gone in a week or so. i've been meaning to make some design changes for a while, and i'm really excited about it.

2. i have a hair appointment next week. what should i do? keep the melt? go dark? i'm this close to giving bangs another go...someone talk me out of it. i'm sure i'll regret it, but i am in the WORST stage of bang grow out right now. i'm pretty sure i don't want as much bangs as earlier this year. HELP...what should i do???

3. i went to vegas last weekend. it was lots of fun. i swear i will blog about it soon.

4. i'm still doing #fmsphotoaday. i got a new phone and never posted the second half of september or first half of october. maybe this weekend... or just follow me on instagram (@aubreyzaruba) or facebook

5. i'm still trying to enjoy fall, but they 35 degree mornings the past couple of days are making it a little hard


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  2. I LOVE those bangs! If I didn't have such a nasty cowlick (boo) I would get thick awesome bangs in a heartbeat!

    1. thanks! i actually have a nasty cowlick too which is why i need someone to talk me out of cutting them again. even though i'm sure i will regret it, i'll probably do it again.

  3. Don't blame me if those bangs reappear! Mine have grown out and I am dying to get them back but a little afraid to let anyone in Wyoming touch them

    1. i need to blame someone because they are back. what was i thinking? you better get your little booty down here and get a bang trim:)

  4. A mass of twists on top, or in lines of waves, stepped once more into ringlets or meshes. In the end aristocrats' hairdos developed so perplexing that they required day by day consideration from a few slaves and a beautician so as to be kept up.


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