Tuesday, October 2, 2012

fall into fall swap

neely over at a complete waste of makeup along with a couple of other bloggers hosted fall into fall swap. i was a little hesitant at first but thought it sounded fun. i'm so glad i did it. i got paired with ashley from chuck refreshed. after our first email exchange i knew it was a perfect match. she totally hooked me up with the most awesome fall package including earrings, nail polish, the cutest scarf that i'm dying to wear, and some glitter. it was perfect like my best friend picked it out perfect. thanks ashley. i LOVE it all! and thanks to neely and others for hosting.


  1. wow i love the nail polish and scarf! looks like you got some great stuff :) so happy i had participated in this swap!

    1. definitely great stuff. makes me excited for fall which actually hit utah this weekend.

  2. Such a pretty scarf color!! Who doesn't love glitter?!!? Great package. :)

    1. i'm basically in love with the scarf and finally got to wear it this weekend.

  3. Looks you got a pretty awesome partner! All wonderful items! So thoughtful! :)

    Found you from this awesome fall swap link-up!
    I hope you check-out my blog & awesome loot from Ashley!

  4. Replies
    1. i'm basically in love with the thing. i've been dying to wear it every since i got my package.

  5. Isn't Ashley awesome?? So glad you joined the swap!

    1. so awesome. i seriously couldn't have gotten a better swap partner. our packages to each other were basically the same. as ashley said i guess great glitter minds think a like. thanks for helping to organize.


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