Monday, December 17, 2012


i love having a wreath on the front door and usually the door into the garage too. if there isn't one, the door looks empty.

i made this wreath with gumdrops a couple years ago. i really really wanted it to last through this holiday season, but it just wasn't going to happen. i hung it for a few days before giving in and throwing it sad.

this was super easy and quick. i bought a grapevine wreath at the dollar store. i was a little hesitant since it was so cheap, but it totally worked. i will be buying from there more often.

i made a similar wreath for fall and knew it was easy and pretty cheap. i spray painted it silver (actual color called satin) and immediately dumped silver glitter. it's a little messy but totally worth it.

what about you? do you put a wreath on the front or any door?

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