Wednesday, March 13, 2013

can i use my phone for that?!? {blogger roundtable 1.0}

if you're new around here, WELCOME. i'm so excited to have you and would love to learn a little more about you.

i can't even believe it has taken me almost one whole week to post about this fab event. bonnie and elizabeth hosted a blogger roundtable last week to talk about all things blogging and especially social media. the time went by so so quickly, and i really could have stayed all night. not only did i pick up some great blogging tips, i met the most adorable girls including my valentine swap partner. yay for blogger meetups. i do the majority of my blogging from my phone so the joke of the night was my constant question "can i use my phone for that?" with every suggestion. the answer i'm founding out is actually yes. yay!

they are planning these once a month. i'm so excited! if you're in utah, you should definitely come! thanks ladies for being so darling and hosting such a fun event.


thank you thank you elizabeth for the non cell phone pics


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