Friday, May 17, 2013

blog design {blogger roundtable part 3}

i love love love the blogger roundtables and look forward to them so much. diedre was so nice and spent the evening teaching us all things design. the past few weeks have been super crazy trying to get ready to leave this place for a couple of weeks. last week was no exception. i planned to leave work in plenty of time to get to the awful waffle in provo in plenty of time, but i got stuck trying to finish something up. i also couldn't figure out exactly where i was going/find parking so i was a couple of minutes late. my computer took forever to start up and then wouldn't connect to the internet for another forever. i was way behind the group. i finally caught up and had a great time. after we were officially done many of us sat around talking blog talk much longer. i need to learn to use photoshop much better so i can actually apply some of the things we learned.

Kelli, April, Aubrey, Jessica, Rachel
Jen, Bonnie, Tayler, Deidre



  1. haha i love bonnie's face in the last picture. it was great meeting you!

  2. It was great and very informative! I agree that it took forever to get set up and actually find plugs! Then, when that one guy started to play his guitar and sing, it was very hard to hear.
    New here! Come follow along with me, too!


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