Tuesday, August 6, 2013

tip tuesday {blogger swap boxes}

a couple of announcements first
1. blogging the bach is delayed by a day. check back tomorrow for all our thoughts on the most boring dramatic season ever.
2. i'm a day late, but i'm over at suzzie's blog talking a little bit about trying new things.

i'm joining forces with justjacq to bring you TIP TUESDAY. this week's topic is blogger swap boxes...one of my favorite things.

i signed up for my first blogger swap last fall. i was NERVOUS and to be really honest felt a little stupid signing up. i thought i was too small to even do something like that, but i did it anyway. best idea ever! i got matched up with a fab partner who is basically my east coast twin. we emailed back and forth a few times, went shopping, sent the packages, and discovered we sent each other almost the exact same things. great minds...

a couple of utah bloggers put together a valentine's day swap. after so much success with the fall swap, i was so excited to sign up for another. not only did i get an awesome package, i made a bloggy friend turned into friend IRL. it's fun to connect with people all over, but it's extra fun when you can meet in person.

i've had great luck with blogger swaps. not only have i gotten some really cool stuff in the mail, i have made some of my very best bloggy friends. if you're considering signing up for a swap, here are a few tips...
1. sign up
2. contact each other as soon as you can
3. stalk each other on social media
4. email back and forth as much as possible
5. follow each other's blogs and other social media
6. shop
7. wrap everything up in cute packaging. i prefer cellophane with a ribbon and tag.
8. add a cute note
9. send in the mail

everyone loves real mail especially packages. if you have a little bit of the first time jitters, just trust me on this one. it's totally worth it and mucho mucho fun.

How It Works:
Tip Tuesday is a linkup party where you will have the chance to share your tips and advice on that week's theme. I will post the themes for the next month towards the middle/end of the previous month so that you have time to get your posts ready. This is a relaxed linkup-- if you have a past post that you're particularly proud of and follows the theme, feel free to use it! I only ask that you still create a new post to link back to this linkup. The following Tuesday I will choose my top 5 favorite tips and share it with you. If you are one of the top 5 chosen, I will email you by Monday letting you know so that you can brag about it to your readers!
Your post has to be a tip or advice related to that week's theme. Be creative! All kinds of tips and advice are needed, from beginner to expert and simple to easy. Wordpress and Blogger blog tips are needed too! Remember, we don't all use the same platform. I do ask that you follow justjacq and the week's cohost in order to link-up. And don't forget to post a link back to justjacq and the cohost so that people can come visit!
Why should you link up?
Who doesn't love finding new blogs to read and forging friendships? It's pretty much why we all blog, am I right? But Tip Tuesday is more than finding new blogs. It's a collective of tips that we all spend time searching the internet for! Imagine all of your favorite and much needed tips collected in one space! Could anything be better?
Need help?
No problem! Always feel free to email me with anything! I remember being very confused the first time I saw a link up and then again the first time I decided to join one!
Grab a button and link up!!
Grab button for BPOTW  
<div class="Grab button for Tuesdaytip" style="width: 250px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://www.justjacq.com/tag/tip-tuesday" rel="nofollow"> <img src="http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y506/thejustjacq/77077bc3-191e-4ec4-b85b-8fd9eb955104_zps5142177f.jpg" alt="NBD" width="250" height="250" /> </a></div>
Now get your tips ready and linkup at the bottom!!


  1. I love doing a bloggy gift swap every so often!

  2. Ah I so agree with you. I am so glad I did that blog swap! They are the best way to make friends in the blogging world! We should host one. How fun would that be!

  3. Love it! I had an okay experience my first time and an amazing one my second. I like signing up every so often but every month gets crazy!


thanks for stopping by. i love love love hearing from you! i usually respond to comments through email so make sure you aren't a no-reply blogger.