Tuesday, September 3, 2013

august 30x30...days 25-30

i did it! i survived another 30x30. when these 30x30 challenges started appearing all over instagram and blogland, i thought there was no way i could ever do it. 30 pieces of clothing cuts my wardrobe big time. 2 challenges in, and i can honestly say it isn't that hard. here's what i wore the final few days.

day 25...church 

day 26...monday night tradish with celsey and shawn although i took the pic at work. 
i'm wearing the mint cardi. i would never have put this combo together without the challenge.

day 27...met up with my blog partner from bigs and littles since we both live in Utah. so much fun!

day 28...monthly dinner group
another outfit i never would have put together, but i got a lot of compliments that day.

day 29...i could have used more accessories, but i'm still in a moving mess.

day 30...lunch with aly, mikael, and michelle. i really really miss the days of all of us working together in the same office.

the shine project event. i put on some heels to dress it up a little. the lighting wasn't very good even though we took quite a few.

i met up with diana, deidre,and alycia for the event and then dinner after. whoever says blog friends aren't real is seriously CRAZY. love love love these girls.

this round of the challenge was a little different than in may. i still like it, and i'm still glad i did it. BUT, it was definitely different. carrie posts the things she learns each week so i decided to end the challenge with the things i learned this time.
1. i still HATE taking my picture everyday. i seriously need some help in this before november.
2. i have WAY too many clothes.
3. i can easily survive 30+ days with the same 30 pieces of clothing
4. i might die if i had to add shoes. i need options.
5. just like everything else in my life, the social part is my favorite part.
the august challenge was pretty small. i'm guessing/hoping  the november is much bigger. if you want in for november, email me. the more the merrier.
6. i still need to try kelly's fake out power point tutorial..maybe in november

in case you want to know what i wore days 1-24
days 19-24
days 13-18
days 7-12
days 1-6
30 items

remember kimberly from may30x30 and blogging the bach, she's opening her new etsy shop any day. in honor of her new shop/blog/twitter/instagram/etc. she's giving away a darling pillow from her shop. head on over to her new blog and enter.

because i love the social, check out what the other girls wore this week


  1. Day 26 and 27 are SOOOO cute. And I'm dying that I didn't go with you down to Provo! But it was just the end to a crazy week. Boo.

  2. Ohh, I just love Day 27! That is my absolute fave of the week!

  3. I must say that I love when you wear heels. I don't know why, but I do. There.


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