Monday, September 30, 2013

Cheese Cooler

***i received these products complimentary from influenster, but all opinions are my own

i'm not a big cheese eater, but i do eat string cheese almost every day. it's an easy thing to eat for my morning snack. this summer was so hot that even first thing in the morning it was way too hot to pack it with my lunch. i have an insulated lunch box, but even that wasn't good enough. i was so excited when i opened my sargento vox box to find a little cooler for my string cheese. 
it took me a few weeks to get to the store to get the string cheese, but i finally did. i really love my cheese cooler! go ahead and laugh. it is actually a little funny, but i really do love it.
i wasn't sure what to make with my string cheese from the box until budziak beauty tweeted about making mozzarella sticks with hers. deidre's miss america party was the perfect place to take them. they were so easy to make, and everyone loved them. the recipe was from all recipes and baked not fried.

1 comment:

  1. I want that recipe!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle


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