Monday, September 23, 2013

random rambling...fall into fall

the calendar says it's fall.

i was deleting pictures from my phone the other day and saw this picture from last fall. the bright beautiful colors make me a little excited for fall.
i would never ever wish away summer ever. it's my most favorite time of the whole year, BUT i am looking forward to a few things. i hate a lot. living and driving around snowy utah makes me cranky, and i really dread it. i usually waste all of fall being so mad about winter. it's kind of dumb really. i really do like fall, and i'm tired of wasting it away. this year i vow to enjoy fall and worry about winter when it actually comes. are the top 10 ways i'm planning to love fall this year.

1. fall leaves...i can't wait to drive up the canyon and die a little over the beautiful colors
2. cooler more sweating to freaking death
3. boots...can't wait to wear my new boots i bought at the nordstrom anniversary sale
4. more and more and more cardis
5. pumpkin everything...i already made pumpkin cookies, and i got an email about a pinterest board with pumpkin everything. i followed it immediately. stay tuned for an exciting pumpkin announcement
6. fall and halloween decor...glitter please
7. scarves...maybe every single day
8. lots of fun fall activities with the little tykes at work
9. sleeping with my electric blanket...that thing puts me in a coma
10. listening to christmas music...i know it's only fall, but i usually start sometime in october

it's already working. i've been in sunny california for the past several days, but i'm actually kind of excited to get back to the start of fall. how about you? what are you doing to enjoy fall this year?


  1. I started loving fall last year when I didn't have to work and I realized that September and October have really nice weather! Usually I was stuck in my freezing classroom from dawn til dusk and I just never realized it. I bet with all the driving you have to do, winter is really difficult!!!

    I can't wait for our Pumpkin posts!! I'm having a hard time deciding between all the awesome options. . .

  2. Fall is the best for fashion! I am so excited because I love leggings and boots and cardigans! Plus, it's a beautiful time of year <3


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