Friday, December 6, 2013

thanksgiving recap

thanksgiving break went by way too fast. i spent most of the time in sunny st. george. it was such a nice getaway. i am lucky and always have wed, thurs, and fri off work. i decided to stay in town on wed to get some things done. going thursday was a smart idea. 
posing with karlee for fall30x30 pictures
 karson wanted his picture taken too
 the table. thankfully we converted to paper plates instead of real china.

 post thanksgiving meal/pre-pie tradition of going to the park. kyler loved the slide.
i'm a total sucker for matchy matchy
trying to get a picture with all the kids was a joke
met up with some friends for a run up snow canyon
we didn't make it to the lighting ceremony, but we walked over to the temple after to see the pretty lights
thanksgiving was great. i have so much to be thankful for.

1 comment:

  1. It's so weird that a week or so ago it was warm enough to not wear coats and the grass was green... little did we know, winter was just waiting to pounce on Utah and pounce it did!


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