Tuesday, February 4, 2014

blogging the bach 18.5

ashley, kimberly, and i are back for another week of blogging the bach. this is about the time in the season when i really start getting more into it.
i have some random thoughts for this week as well as all the usual. the first random being how much i loved all the scarves in the arrival scenes. 

one on one numero uno...renee...are we the right fit?
renee kind of put herself in the friend zone early in the season by being the house mama (to the girls). i've been pretty worried about her getting out of the friend zone. my theory on dating is it's super hard for girls to get out of the friend zone. even though they seemed to have a lot of fun, i was still worried about the friend zone...until the cocktail party. juan p practically sucked her face off. friend zone no mas. i like renee a lot and think they actually make a really good match.

group date...can you go with the flow?
so many good quotes on this date...see below.
clare is clearly not their to make friends. she also is clearly suffering from first one on one date syndrome. contrary to her belief, she is not the only one there. this is the bachelor. she's pretty sure juan p already picked her. listen honey...you're not the only one he's making out with.
do i even dare discuss what happened in the ocean?!? moral of the story...just don't do it. clare is a hot mess and i like her less and less each week. i also still say she won't be the one he chooses.
poor andi was pretty insecure this week. juan p reassured her...with his tongue and making her sweat it out at the rose ceremony. i still love her the most but not really for him.

one on one numero dos...something about hell
i'm so happy nikki redeemed herself from last week. she obvi freaked out about repelling, but i would to. hell seems like a good description for that cave.
the bach is full of so many risky date love analogies.
i loved their convo about her job mostly because i can totally relate. working in a service profession helps me so much. i benefit daily from working with kids with special needs. she talked about the hope she feels working with kids, and i totally agree. i love love love working with kids

rose ceremony
most of it was wasted on clare although juan p had a good makeout sesh with renee and then andi.
best dressed...renee and andi
not my fave...danielle and alli (good thing they both got the boot)

random quotables
"this is the first time having no friends is a good thing" --kelly about clare
"should we just take the rose down to her"--kelly about clare
"panda in a room full of brown bears"--sharleen
"and then we were sucking face again. sorry mom"--andi

a few dating tips
this week gave me a little peak into why i might not be married...maybe not really, but it did make me think.
clare is highly rewarded for getting out of her comfort zone. 
andi talks multiple times about relinquishing control
i'm not nearly as fun as i prob need to be.

word tally 
amazing...10 (pretty sure i missed a few)
no talks of fairytales this week

time to wrap up this novel of a post. i can't even wait to see what kimberly and ashley have to say. if you wrote a post, make sure to link up below.



  1. The quotes last night were awesome!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  2. No!!! I needed to know what happened on the beach!!! Tell me!!!!

  3. I think Clare will dig her own grave now that Juan Pablo expressed regret.
    Two of your quotes are by Kelly! I'm starting to love her.

  4. 1. I love these posts every week. 2. I was also left speechless after the ocean scene and again when Clare brought it up in her toast. And again when JP tried to say he was feeling it, clearly he was. Not cool. 3. Kelly seems to have the best quotes.

  5. Do you really think they went "all the way" in the ocean?! Doing that in salt water seems...like it might hurt lol. I was happy to see JP recognize his hormones got the better of him and regretting how far he went (whatever he did) with Clare. And she had zero regret at all. Makes you wonder how easy she is in real life. Not liking her.
    So glad Renee finally got her first kiss! I think she and Nikki will be around for awhile.
    No shocker about who was going home. All 3 had minimal screen time. We weren't attached.
    ....I think I fixed the "respond" thing on my blog account. Let me know if it's still not working.


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