Wednesday, April 30, 2014

wear it wednesday...accessories

with all the 30x30 posts this month, i haven't done a wear it wednesday for a while. since i've been taking and posting pictures of my blue outfits i haven't had any new outfits or pictures to post...until now. i LOVE accessories. they totally make the outfit. when i take pictures with bonnie, she is really good at making sure to get a few of the accessories too.

i obviously love scarves and bracelets and watches, but really i love it all. most of the time i buy disposable jewelry meaning it's a pretty inexpensive. i wear it until it isn't nice anymore, and then i get rid of it. i like to have trendy and current pieces without paying high prices. sometimes it is worth it to invest a little more money for nicer things that will last a little longer such as a watch, basic classy earrings, bridal sets, and other classic pieces.
speaking of bridal sets, people think i'm crazy, but i don't necessarily want a real diamond. i don't want a completely disposable ring, but i'm pretty sure i'll want something new later on down the road. it seems like it might be a little easier to convince justify a new ring if it isn't real. lately i've really been loving bands rather than a solitaire. has a great selection of beautiful fully customizable bands and other jewels...not that i need it anytime soon.
do you love accessories as much as i do? do you think i'm crazy for wanting a fake ring?
***this post was sponsored by anjolee. all opinions are my own.


  1. Love the polka dot scarf. I think engagement bands are going to have a major moment soon, and get real diamonds... you deserve it!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  2. For a long time I avoided scarves, I thought they made me look too top heavy. I bought one a couple weeks ago though and I love it. Now I want to buy every scarf I see.

  3. Aubrey you freaking rock those accessories. Also we need to take pictures soon. I want that crazy blue wall!

  4. Help me find accessories!!!! I've been better with scarves and big chunky necklaces, but I have the hardest time combining accessories and making cute outfits with them!

  5. You have the best collection of scarves - I want them all! I usually don't spend much on bracelets and other accessories because 1. they get lost 2. my kids take them from me 3. I get bored easily. However when it comes to a wedding ring, I only wanted the diamonds. We did make an agreement that for our 10th anniversary it had to get some sort of upgrade so I'll be getting a second band to layer on top, I just have to wait 2 years and 2 months longer :)

  6. Those bands would be so gorgeous to wear by themselves for a wedding band! Love it!

  7. Love the wedding band idea. I can totally see you wearing something like that. You've had enough experience with babies to know a huge rock often scratches babies. You got me excited....are you dating someone special?!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I am so pleased with the dress and buying it online. It makes me wonder how much profit those brick and mortar stores must be making.
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