Monday, October 6, 2014

random rambling...getting old

i've talked about age before. people never ever guess how old i am ever.
photo credit bonnie

most of the time people think i am in my mid 20s. it's flattering, it really is, BUT the reality is i'm not in my mid 20s. i've heard over and over "you're only as old as you feel", BUT that's not really true either. no matter how i feel or look or any other thing, i am almost 35. 35! i'm having a mild panic attack about it. i am getting old, and it's freaking me out.

a lot of the time i can fake being younger, but my skin says otherwise. about a year ago someone actually guessed close to my real age. she said it was because of my hands. apparently they look old (or at least older than my face). i take pretty good care of my skin, but a few years i decided i needed to get a little more serious about anti-aging. i use under eye cream and anti-aging products. enter SkinAgain. i discovered the company about a year ago, and i really love the products. i've been rescue and relief to help with the driest skin ever. i also just started using vanish for cellulite, stretch marks, and scars. i'm pretty excited to see how it works.

SkinAgain Mission
SkinAgain's mission is to contribute happiness and self-confidence to their customers by healing skin with compassion. We all know that when your skin isn't at it's best, it can affect our confidence and make us feel less empowered. For SkinAgain, its not about achieving physical "perfection", but about feeling beautiful on the inside and out.
Company Profile
SkinAgain is a revolutionary line of functional skin care products: YouthRescueRelief and Vanish, formulated to quickly and effectively aid in maintaining healthy skin in spite of uncomfortable and embarrassing skin problems like blemishes, redness, itchiness, burning and inflammation, as well as noticeably diminishing the appearance of scars, cellulite, wrinkles and dark spots. A functional skin care line formulated using the highest recommended percentage of active ingredients in cosmetics, and Bo10ikal™ complex, a proprietary blend of 10 naturally soothing extracts, SkinAgain’s vegan products are also fragrance-, paraben-, gluten- and cruelty-free.

SkinAgain, a Carlsbad, California-based company who's products, Rescue and Vanish are being used by Breast Cancer survivors to heal from burns and scars as a result of radiation and reconstructive surgery, holds breast cancer dear to their hearts. Every year, SkinAgain donates proceeds and product with the goal of helping women feel beautiful, even in their most trying times. 
5% from every purchase in October will be donated to Moores Cancer Center at UCSD where 100% of the funds raised will go towards the Oncology Center's wish list.

i really like these products a lot. they work really well, and they don't have a bunch of junk in them. try it for yourself. use code THINKPINK for 20% off any order.

one lucky winner will receive a bottle of vanish. enter with rafflecopter below.

***i received this product complimentary of skinagain. all opinions are my own***
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Yes! Hands are always a tell! We spend some much time on our faces we forget to take care of our aging hands!

    I know how you feel... the other day I was looking at pictures of myself from my early and mid twenties and my face was so much smoother and I had less lines. Totally depressing.

    And I want the entire outfit you are wearing in that picture. CUTE!!!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  2. Ehh, sometimes it bothers me and sometimes it doesn't. I'm turning the big 3-0 early next year and yeah, it freaks me out just a little! But what can you do! I probably should start using something on my face besides Ponds cold cream and coconut oil. Haha!

  3. I have tons of roadrash on my stomach from a longboarding accident. It would be fun to try this on it!

  4. I would love to try it on sun damage

  5. I'm always on the lookout for great skin care items. I have really sensitive skin so it's hard to find something that won't irritate it.

  6. My Dermologica foundation. It's go lavender in it so it's calming!


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