Monday, October 27, 2014

weekend happs

i try not to wish my life away waiting for the next fun thing, but i often find myself saying "i can't wait for ___". weekdays get crazy and busy and a lot of times i think "i can't wait for the weekend." this weekend was full of fun.
the weekend got off to a good start. i'm not a movie person at all. the last movie i saw in the theater was frozen with my niece and nephews last christmas break. i have a short attention span for movies, but i knew i wanted to see meet the mormons. i thought it was very well done, and i'm glad i saw it.
saturday started off with a beautiful fall fun. it's a tradition to run to liberty park several times in the fall. the leaves are beautiful, and several of the ladies stop and make leaf angels.
the leaves are really yellow this year, they are so pretty, but i really love the red and orange leaves. the sun shining through this tree was the prettiest i have seen all season.
after running i hurried to breakfast for my friend's birthday. after breakfast we decided to go to jdawgs. i hate hot dogs and never ever eat them ever-not even camping except j dawgs. it seems so gross, but they're actually really good. it's a little ridiculous that we ate breakfast and lunch all within an hour. it made for a lot of laughs.
we had the church halloween party. i made a cake. it was one of the easiest cakes ever (more to come tomorrow). the party was a little crazy, but everyone had fun.
i dressed up as a runner (not my best work for sure) and totally forgot to take a picture.
i came home from the party to my pink polish swap package from amberley. the swap was for breast cancer awareness. i love what i got and can't wait to use it.
i've been waiting all year for this mummy nail again. even though i was pretty tired, i went to laurann's house to get my nails done for halloween. the mummy is my favorite.
sunday is my favorite. the little tykes started learning the first noel at church, and it made me really excited for the holidays. i had fresh dill from my friend's garden, i made garlic/dill potatoes and lemon dill chicken. it was clean and healthy and delicious.

the weekend was really good. it was fun, busy, relaxing, and productive. i'm ready for a new week.

how was your weekend. any exciting happs?


  1. I need to try JDawgs still... And see Meet the Mormons... I'm failing!

  2. Amberly, you definitely need to try JDawgs!

    Aubrey, I saw that picture of the feet on instagram, too, and both times, I keep thinking the feet with flipflops are just barefoot!

  3. I try to hold off on christmas music as long as possible. Last year I was the primary pianist in nov-dec and it made me SO excited for Christmas and so happy every week singing the christmas songs!

  4. I try to hold off on christmas music as long as possible. Last year I was the primary pianist in nov-dec and it made me SO excited for Christmas and so happy every week singing the christmas songs!


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