Wednesday, November 12, 2014

wwyd 14.0

kimberly and i are back for another round 

with thanksgiving right around the corner, we want to know
with a bag of cranberries?
we talked about crafts or recipes or both. i decided to cook with them since i never did before. i even had to google how to use them. turns out the instructions are on the bag, and you use them like any other fresh fruit. i like the look of fresh cranberries in drinks,but that's about as much as i have used them in the past.

first up...drinks

pretty simple
sprite zero
cranberries (best if frozen)

next...cranberry lime bread

confession...i planned to make cranberry orange muffins, but i forgot to buy an orange at the store. it was sunday so i just used what i had. i actually really liked the flavor especially in combination with the drink.

white cake
1/2 c unsweetened applesauce
1/4 c fresh lime juice
lime zest
2 eggs
1/4 c water
1/2 bag fresh cranberries
mix all ingredients together
bake 350 degrees for 40 minutes

i can't wait to see what kimberly did with her cranberries.
do you have any good recipes or crafts with cranberries? link up below.


  1. Those drinks are super festive looking!! :)

  2. YUM that bread sounds AMAZING. I have to make it soon.

  3. Have you seen that they sell Cranberry sprite now? It is AMAZING! But I have a feeling real cranberries would make it taste so much better.

  4. If I had a bag of cranberries, I'd hand it over to my husband, who'd rip it open and start pouring it into his mouth! He loves cranberries--he'll even chug down straight cranberry juice!


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