Wednesday, December 10, 2014

wwyd 15.0

i'm pretty excited that kimberly and i have made it this long. we have some fun things in the works for the new year, and we hope you'll join us.
this month we want to know
WHAT WOULD YOU DO...with gingerbread?
there are the obvious
1. make a gingerbread house
2. or a gingerbread train
3. or a gingerbread man
from a kit. nothing wrong with that. i honestly don't think i have ever made any of those things from a kit but maybe.
i also had the ideas
1. make homemade gingerbread and use for a pie crust for peppermint ice cream pie
2. make homemade gingerbread shapes (hearts), dip the bottom in white chocolate and dip again in crushed peppermint---this is what i really wanted to do but ran right out of time.
and finally

bake gingerbread (make sure to leave a hole in the top), decorate with royal icing. wait until they are completely dry before hanging them on the tree.
thanks to @thesinkingcherry (on insta) for the great idea and photos.

now it's your turn. have you done anything fun with gingerbread this year? link up below.

next month we want to know...
WHAT WOULD YOU DO...with yoga pants/basic black leggings.

PS-i'm over at a litttle too jolley talking about avoiding the comparison trap.


  1. So fun and festive! Love these!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  2. Gingerbread pie crust with peppermint ice cream!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!? HEAVEN. Like I need it right now. Adam doesn't like peppermint, like what the heck? Maybe egg nog ice cream.

  3. I love that you guys do this monthly. It's such a great idea. I need to join on one & I think I'm gonna try and do next months!!


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