Thursday, January 8, 2015

all about me

photo credit bonnie

welcome to all the newcomers! i'm so happy you're here, and i hope you'll stick around. it's been a while since i've done an introduction post, and it's definitely time.
let's talk basics
name: aubrey zaruba
from: born in utah, raised mostly in north carolina
currently living: utah
job: child development specialist (i always say i am a working girl dreaming about someday being a stay at home something although i really love my job a lot)
hobbies: running (mostly marathon running), crafting, cooking, watching the bachelor/ette, spending time with friends and family, tennis, biking, getting a tan

here's a little more from my about me page

I LOVE shopping, but I also really love good deals. I rarely pay full price for anything.
Cardigans and scarves are my signature items.
I like to read, but I basically never do it.
Even though I love it, I really love talking to people so that almost always wins over going to my room to read.
Love basically all kinds of music.
My crack addiction is Diet Coke. I for sure drink too much of it.
Glitter is the best! Everything is better with a little bling.

and some other stuff...

I love social networking of all kinds. My nails are always painted, and I never leave the house without makeup. I love colorful things and usually put random colors together to make an outfit. I always always wear earrings (mostly studs lately), and I love jewelry.

your turn. tell me a little more about you.



  1. Diet Coke is my weakness. Every so often I think about giving it up and then I realize I just can't do it. My new goal is to drink more water instead of giving up the good stuff altogether.

  2. I ALWAYS forget that you're from North Carolina. For some reason I always think California hahaha

  3. I always wear earrings and I LOVE getting a tan as well!!!

  4. I leave the house without makeup daily and can't handle painting my nails because I'm OCD and when they chip, it drives me BATTY!

  5. Fun to learn more about you! I am with you on never paying full price for things! :) And I love to read but don't do it very much either!

  6. Props to running! I think anyone who runs is amazing. Mostly because I can't.
    Also, I have loads of cardi's as well ! Target has the best deals on them!

  7. Diet coke is my weakness. My other (food) weakness is Reeses. I could really go for either one right now. Sadly I have none in my house.

    Love the GTKY post.


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