Monday, May 18, 2015

weekend happs

the past few weeks have been dragging by so slow, but when i think about may ending soon i can't even believe it. let's start with a few announcements.
as a follow up to friday's post, there's a giveaway over on a prioritized marriage. head on over to enter.
the bachelorette starts tonight. i can't decide what i think about it. i'm exited to see how the format goes. come back tomorrow for another season of blogging the bach.
i am 100% not a movie person. the past couple of years i have seen one movie each year in the theater. i rarely make the time for movies, and even when i really want to see a movie i don't usually. ever since the previews for pitch perfect 2 came out we've been talking about going. sometimes the second movie is a big disappointment..not this time. it was even funnier and better. i can't wait to see it again.
dark theater pictures are not the best
after running on saturday, i spent the whole day packing to get ready to move. it was not fun, but i got so much done. it felt really good to be productive.
i totally got distracted by scrapbooks, letters, and chatbooks. have you tried them yet? use AUBRE653 to get your first book free.
it's been raining non stop here for days. it finally stopped yesterday afternoon long enough to take some pictures. a few of us met at the park for a quick photo shoot. here's a little sneak peek of what i wore for later this month.
photo credit lauryn
how was your weekend? any exciting happs?
ps-i have a fun giveaway over on instagram. check it out.


  1. I can't decide if I am excited about the bachelorette either...I guess we will find out tonight!

  2. I agree, ti feels so good to be productive! And I haven't seen either of the Pitch Perfect movies, but everyone keeps talking about this one so I might have to see them both now. :)

  3. I saw Pitch Perfect 2 with my best friend too! I loved it. I thought they did a great job!

  4. Looks like a great weekend! Have a wonderful week! xx

  5. I saw PP2 with my husband and we both loved it.

  6. When you move, we should go out for lunch, or something!


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