Wednesday, August 12, 2015

what would you do...with paint

we picked the theme for this month a few months ago, and i immediately knew what i was going to do. we want to know
WHAT WOULD YOU DO...with paint?
i knew what i wanted to do, but i put it off again and again. i literally procrastinated until the last possible second.

this project was pretty simple but time consuming.

wooden blocks
craft paint-various holiday colors
holiday vinyl decals
sand paper
finish varnish

1. paint blocks in holiday colors (i painted all sides different colors) and let dry
2. distress edges with sand paper
3. apply vinyl decals
4. paint finish varnish over vinyl

these would be cute for holiday decorations. i plan to let kids play with them.
now it's your turn. WHAT WOULD YOU DO..with paint? link up below

next month we want to know WHAT WOULD YOU DO..with apples?

 photo aubrey-sig_zps0ck6qpqn.png


  1. So cute! We're getting ready for Christmas too over the

  2. these are so cute and this is something I can see my kids doing.

  3. We once used acrylic paint to stencil a music staff around my room. It turned out really cool but took forever!

  4. So cute!! I would be fun to make kind of a matching game with matching themes but different pictures.

  5. Oh my gosh, that is cute! I love Kimberly's matching game idea too.

  6. What a cute gift! And DIY! I love getting or giving a good DIY gift. Thanks for the idea. I think this is something I could do with Connor. He loves to paint.


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