Monday, October 12, 2015

weekend happs

the past couple of weeks have been insanely busy, and the weekend was no exception. celsey and i have been in full blown party prep for the past couple of weeks. we spent most of last week working on baby mavi's storybook birthday party.

i went over straight from work on friday. celsey made homemade chicken noodle soup (my fave) for dinner and we worked on the party. we got a lot done, and i left completely exhausted.

saturday morning i got up before the crack of dawn to run. i almost skipped, but i am missing the next 2 weeks. i'm so glad i didn't. we ran my favorite run. we saw a few fall leaves, but everything is still pretty green.

after running, i did a few quick errands and went to finish last minute party prep. everything was perfect, and it was the cutest party. everyone had a great time, and we were so happy with it all..and exhausted. full blog post coming soon.
after the party i went to laurann's house for a night of pumpkin, football, hot tub, and fun. it was the perfect night. we laughed our heads off. it was perfect.

sunday i went to church, took a big nap, worked on my what would you do with orange post, and painted my nails.

some weekends are more packed than others, but that usually means they're full of fun.

how was your weekend? any exciting happs?

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  1. My in-laws were in town this weekend, so that was fun. We visited the pumpkin patch! Your weekend sounds awesome though. I'd take your homemade chicken soup, morning fall run, and time in the hot tub any weekend! :)

  2. That hot tub looks really great. Uh, I'd kill for that chicken noodle soup! It looks so delicious!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle


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