Tuesday, January 19, 2016

blogging the bach 20.3

i've been reading all over the internets that people are surprised ben kept lace. i'm not. she's the resident crazy and therefore has to stick around for a few weeks for the drama factor. my guess is we have 2-3 more weeks of her.
we planned to fill out our brackets before the rose ceremony last week, but by the time that came we just wanted to finish watching. so we filled them out tonight during dinner. we've all managed to avoid spoilers so far, and i'm excited to see how everyone does in the end. we ate dinner, chatted for a while, and then attempted the brackets. we can't remember half of who anyone is so this should be pretty entertaining.

who's watching:celsey, lacy, amanda, alicia, megan
date #1-lauren b the sky's the limit
what i saw
the most awkward kiss ever
what i heard
you're kidding-they're going on a helicopter--cel
why is he obsessed with convertibles?--cel
it wasn't because of ben. it's because it wasn't scary--amanda
collective ugh when he went in for the kiss
why do they have to fly over and brag?--amanda
i think they're nose twins--cel
i thought she was going to be a cute crier. she definitely is not--alicia about caila
in the biblical sense--megan when ben says he wants lauren to get to know him
what i thought
ben really likes lauren b
does anyone else think a private concert would be awkward?

date #2-amanda, haley, jennifer, shushana, leah, amber, lauren h, olivia, jami, rachel, lace, emily love is the goal
what i saw
have these girls even seen the game of soccer?
what i heard
he sounds like he's reading a script--cel
what are the other sports that you know so much about?--megan about olivia
i'm not good at soccer and i feel like i could kick all of their ___--amanda
they should have them play like women's rugby or something and hunger games it out for ben--megan
you couldn't come up with some job title-dog lover, general human being, something--megan
you're coming home to cry to all the girls that didn't get a date--alicia
what i thought
i can't believe amber got the rose. i didn't think he would keep her this week.

date #3-jubilee love is in the air
what i saw
ben comes and jubilee is acting so weird.
what i heard
grab his chest hair. it will keep you in the helicopter--cel
she clearly isn't classy enough for caviar--megan
i don't get why they always have to be in a swimsuits.are they doing body checks?--megan
what i thought
he obviously had to give her the rose. she's not my fave, but i think she's sticking around for a while.

cocktail party/rose ceremony
what i saw
girls laying around like lazies and acting like crazies.
what i heard
it's not like she's doing anything bad--megan
they should edit over whatever the girls are saying with the words i'm jealous--megan
i'm going to massage her now. her heart hurts so that's the part i'm going to focus on the most--cel
these are some really classy gals--amanda
can we just wipe the slate and get all new girls because i hate them all--megan
lace looks like she should be the doped up wife of a governor--megan
she would rather quit than get kicked off--lacy about lace
ew really-stepford wife--megan about lauren h
what i thought
i don't know why everyone is so mad at jubilee. i don't love her, but i don't blame her for taking time with him.
olivia is so obsessed. clearly getting the last rose of the night didn't phase her.

tear tally-12

word tally
husband/wife-did i miss this? i didn't hear this once

who's left-lauren b, amber, jubilee, lauren h, amanda, becca, haley, emily, rachel, caila, jojo, jennifer, leah, olivia

final four pick-becca, joelle, lauren b, leah
who are your faves?

do you blog about the bach? link up with us below.

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  1. I was not surprised at all that Lace pulled herself last night! I am looking forward to seeing Ben and Becca's date, though my pick for winning is hands down Lauren B.

  2. I saw a lot of good things about Lauren B on Twitter last night! I can't wait to catch up!

  3. Oh my gosh when those girls played soccer, I was so confused... how in the world do they not know how to kick a soccer ball.. I may not know how to play soccer at all but my goodness there was no coordination there at all! I am glad Lace pulled herself from the show and gave her props for saying that she needs to learn to love herself before she can love anyone else.
    My predictions: Top 4: Jubilee, Lauren B, Becca, and Caila. We shall see though.

  4. HAHAHAHA I love this recap. SOmetimes the recaps and Twitter chats are better than the actual episodes!

    Coming Up Roses


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