Tuesday, May 17, 2016

blogging the bachelorette 11.0

the bachelorette starts next week. who is excited! monday night tradish is in full force over here. we've had a fun time during the break between seasons, but we are pretty excited for the new season to start. 

the list of guys has been posted so we spent a little time looking at the guys. based on looks only, this is our who to watch list.

my pick-Ali
celsey and alicia-derek

who's on your list of guys to watch?
 photo aubrey-sig_zps0ck6qpqn.png


  1. My post is going up tomorrow! Derek is on my list too. Don't forget to stop over!


  2. I'm soooo excited for the Bachelorette to start! My guilty pleasure TV show ha ha... I looked at the list and I seriously didn't know who to pick. I think I like Ali as well though!


  3. I just cannot wait. It's going to be so great!!


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