Monday, October 31, 2016

beauty time Tuesday...October empties

I somehow lost the pictures for last month so I never posted. I used up a little less this month than usual, but I was out of town more.
bath&body works body cream in peppermint
bath&body works soap in vanilla bean Noel 
Sebastian hair spray 
Matrix shampoo
Crude everything oil 
Bath&body works lotion 
Kat von dee tattoo liner 
Bare minerals tinted mineral veil
Intuition razor refill

I love all of the products and will continue to use them. 

weekend happs

I way over scheduled myself last week so I was really excited about the weekend. I left work a little early on Friday to get the weekend started.

Sage's parents were in town for the weekend. We met for an early dinner at tsunami, one of our faves.
They went to an early movie, and i was pretty happy to go home early with no plans.
Saturday ended up being a little busier than I thought. It started with a long run with the girls. There was a lot of stop and go, but it was a beautiful morning. The weather was perfect, and the route was perfect for fall.
We saw this house a couple of years ago, and I have been excited to see it again. We stopped for several pictures.

After running I went to the store for a quick shopping trip, came home and cleaned, and went to pure barre. I have been trying to make it to class a little more often.
I visited with friends for a couple of hours. The great thing about Utah is people always come to visit.

Michelle had a pretty big group over on Saturday night. It was fun to catch up with people I haven't seen for a while.
I spent what felt like most of the day Sunday in the kitchen. I made protein balls, overnight oats, apple chips, cup cakes and cut up things for salads.

How was your weekend? Any exciting happs?

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

beauty time tuesday: sunday night beauty routines

how often do you wash your makeup brushes? if we're being honest, i never used to wash mine. i didn't like doing it so i avoided it as much as possible, until i got the sigma brush cleaning mat. i now LOVE cleaning my brushes. i clean them almost every sunday night. the mat is so easy to use and makes it less of a task to clean them. 
the older i get the more i feel the need to take better care of my skin.. i do a pretty good job on a daily basis of taking care of my skin. i like to do a little more about once a week-usually on sunday night.

i use everything oil from crude to shave my face with tinkle razors. yes, i shave my face, and you should too.
after i shave my face, i use the PMD. it would cost a ton of money to get microdermabrasions as often as would like. this tool is perfect. it is quick and easy and leaves my skin feeling so good.

finally i use the green detox mask from crude.

all of these things really help keep my skin looking so good, and sunday evening seems to be the best time. 

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Monday, October 24, 2016

weekend happs

i had fall break on thursday and friday so my weekend started a little earlier. i was really exhausted from my weekend in texas and especially the travel so it was so nice to have a short week. i have been out of town so much lately so i decided to stay in town for fall break.

i spent most of the break working on a long to do list. i ran a lot of errands and did a lot of cleaning. it was nice to have extra time to get some of that stuff done.

on regular workdays i get up at 5:00 to get to the gym. it was nice to sleep a little later than usual and have a little more time at the gym. it was nice to have extra time for more cardio. i also took a couple of pure barre classes. no matter how often i go, it kicks my booty every time.

sage, tiffany, and i went to dinner at protein house and got massages one night. it was the perfectly relaxing night.

i went to dinner with dana and julia friday night. we caught up on our lives and then started talking about religion and politics and ended up staying at dinner for almost 4 hours. it was the best night.

it was a pretty uneventful quick long weekend. how was your weekend? any exciting happs?

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

a little tuesday inspiration

these are 2 of my friends, ana and danielle. ana is currently receiving intense chemo treatments for uterine rhabdomyosarcoma. she is one of the most optimistic people I know. she finds joy and humor in everything. i was lucky enough to spend the weekend with these ladies and some other friends. we laughed until we cried all weekend long. she refuses to let cancer get her down. danielle went to visit ana in the hospital today, and they made this awesome video. ana has every reason to be all sorts of things, but instead she is kicking cancer's butt one dance party at a time. feel free to share this video and her story. she wants people to know there is always a reason to smile.

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Thursday, October 13, 2016

beauty time tuesday (on thursday)-new products

i really like trying new beauty products especially when i have a recommendation from someone. before buying these i heard great things about all of them so i was really excited to try them. i tried the elf lip exfoliator, no bleeding lips invisible liner, laura mercier setting powder, and morphe nude pallet.

my lips are really bad especially now that the weather is starting to change. i tried the elf product a few times. so far i like it, but i need to use it more before i know if i love it. i LOVE all the others. the setting powder is the perfect weight and works great. it lasts through the day. the invisible liner is perfect. i don't always like liner for my lips, but i do like the effect of liner. it keeps the lipstick on my lips. i am obsessed with this morphe pallet. all the shadows are matte, and even the scary orange colors are really pretty on. it was on hautelook about a month ago. i have seen it again since then so keep your eyes out for it.

have you tried any new beauty products lately? what should i try next?
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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

wear it wednesday...mixing metals

i remember being quite a bit younger and only wearing gold jewelry. somewhere along the way the trends shifted, and i only wore silver. over the years the trends shift back and forth, but for the longest time it was one of the other for me. eventually i started wearing a little rose gold, and then i did start mixing. the trend now seems to be more of an anything goes. some days i still stick to one of the other, but most of the time i really like mixing. i recently got a rose gold necklace from the happiness boutique. it's the perfect addition for mixing metals.

happiness boutique necklace|jord watch|alex and ani bracelets|michael kors bag

happiness boutique offers monthly giveaways and loyalty programs. they are offering a 10% discount with code aubreyzaruba through october 22.

do you mix metals or stick to just one?

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Monday, October 10, 2016

weekend happs

i got back from a trip on monday late afternoon. i was a little thrown off schedule all week. friday did come pretty quickly. lately i find myself making less plans instead making plans to stay home and get things done. my friday night plans were running errands and coming home early to get things done.

i met up with judy to run to liberty park. sharon and donna joined us for a few miles in the middle. it was a beautiful, quiet day. we wanted a few more miles when we got to the park so we ran through the middle and around the park.

after running and a few errands i met mandi at pure barre for a platform class. brittany kicked my booty big time. my hips were really bugging me during class, but i still managed to sweat my head off. i love the addition of pure barre and especially platform into my exercise routine.

mandi's sister was in town so we met her and a friend at city creek for some shopping and dinner. we chatted and laughed, and it was a fun night.

i had church early on sunday. i spent the rest of the day being really productive. i leave town again this week so i wanted to get everything done before leaving.

how was your weekend? any exciting happs?

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

how we wore it: fall sweaters

it's been a while since i've participated in how we wore it. it's one of my favorite posts, and i'm so happy it's back. here's how it works. we get an inspiration photo and create a look inspired by the photo. i often try to copy the look as closely as possible, but that does not always work. if you are interested in signing up for next month, head over to deidre's blog.
this month is one of those times where copying the look as closely as possible didn't work out. a few things stood out to me in the look-over sized sweater, navy blue, camel boots. i took those pieces to create my look.

target sweater, bella ella top, lula roe skirt, jord watch, happiness boutique necklace

i can't wait to see how everyone else styled this look. check out their posts below.

Deidre from Deidre Emme
Kyla from FordOlogy
Paige from The Happy Flammily
Alyssa from Impractical Composition
Jessica from Flint Flair
Amber from amber nicole blogs
Jen from Real Life, On Purpose
Autumn from Stay gold Autumn
Rebekah from These are the Days
Tessa from Tessa Marie
Aubrey from Aubrey Zaruba
Emilie from Burke Does
Susan from Sue's News
Madeline from CaseyLand
Sierra from Sierra's View
Justine from Little Dove Creations
Kiana from Glitter and Donuts
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Monday, October 3, 2016

one little word:october goals

september was a really good month for me. i was really focused on my goals, and looking back at the month i feel very accomplished. my goals have definitely evolved throughout the year, but as we start the last part of 2016 i feel really good about the year.

yearly goals to be still
1. morning and night quiet time-my morning quiet time has improved recently. rather than just starting the day in silence, i use that silent time to set the tone for the day. i am getting better about a few quiet moments at night although it is something to continue to improve.
2. attend the temple monthly-i enjoyed some time outside the salt lake temple
3. color once a week-not a goal anymore
4. prayer book-keep list of people i need to remember to pray for-i have added to this list periodically as appropriate. i like to write down the names to help me focus on them even more.

September goals
1. 5 minutes of quiet stretching each night-i haven't done it every night, but i have done it many nights.
2. spend morning quiet time thinking positive thoughts about the day ahead-yes!
3. daily journaling (gratitude, morning pages, quotes, etc)-i do this with night time stretching. if the stretching happens, the journaling happens. 

October goals
1. continue 5 minutes of nightly stretching/journaling
2. finish reading you are a badass
3. listen to/read 5 general conference talks each week-due to travel I missed all of general conference and need to catch up

did you pick one little word for the year? how are your goals for the year? is anyone else already thinking about their word for next year? link up your posts below.
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