Thursday, October 2, 2014

september slumber soiree

i'm not a big dreamer. i'm much more of a realist. that also means i'm not a big risk taker. sometimes a dream becomes a reality, and it's worth all the risk.
over a year ago after a blogger round table that no one wanted to leave, i had the idea to plan a blogger slumber party. i tried a few times over the past year to make it happen, and things kept getting in the way. once i started solidifying details, everything fell into place. i worked like a mad woman to pull it off. with a lot of help from amberly, kyla, and many generous sponsors, the event was a huge success, and i couldn't have been happier.

the swag was awesome thanks to many generous sponsors. we ate, we laughed, we discussed all things blogging, we learned about makeup, we painted nails, we took lots of pictures (in and out of the photo booth with the emoji props), we stayed up until 5:30 am (well a few of us did), we ate waffles, and we had the best time.

huge shout out to kaycie e for all the photos.
and to all the other sponsors

all the hard work was definitely worth it. i had the best time with these ladies, and i can't wait for next year.
ps-our swag bags were so awesome. i want to share one with you. come on over to instagram for swag bag giveaway.
pps-make sure to enter the $350 nordstrom giveaway


  1. This looks soooooo awesome! So fun!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  2. I still have no idea how you guys stayed up!!! :) I would have been totally zonked :P

  3. Aubrey, this is SO awesome! You should be proud of yourself, looks like it was perfect and lots of fun!


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