Wednesday, October 1, 2014

5 little edition


if you're new around here, welcome. the first wednesday of the month you will find me joining carrie, kimberly, and jaquelyn for 5 little confessions. what exactly is that?

we've all seen the posts going around blogland and social media about being honest and keeping things real. bloggers often get accused of posting only the parts of our lives we want to show off. we know we all have those less than bloggable moments in life. as readers, we all love reading those posts, but as writers we sometimes avoid spilling the dirt. in the spirit of keeping things real, we bring you 5 little confessions. did you go 5 days without washing your hair? did your clean laundry sit on your floor until it was time to wash again? did you spend all weekend keeping up with the kardashians? did you eat cake for breakfast? dig up a few of your secrets and link up below.

Your Hosts
Carrie from Curly Crafty Mom

Follow Carrie: Bloglovin'FacebookTwitterInstagram 


Follow Aubrey: Bloglovin'TwitterInstagram

Jacq from Justjacq

Follow Jacq: Bloglovin'FacebookTwitterInstagram

Kimberly from Olive the Things

Follow Kimberly: Bloglovin'FacebookTwitterInstagram

this month i'm talking all about food.

i don't like pizza. i'll eat it if i have to, but i never choose to eat it. i know, it's weird and unamerican or something, but it's true.


i ate chicken mcnuggets, yes from mcdonalds, for dinner the other night. gross right?!?
lately i've been eating outshine popsicles for breakfast almost every single day. it's not as bad as it sounds. i usually eat a banana or yogart or something, but still hopefully that phase will end now that the weather is a little cooler. 

i've never eaten top ramen. that might be less of a confession and more of an accomplishment. i had no idea what it even was until i was in college.

i just drank diet coke straight out of a 2 liter bottle. it was almost gone, but still that's embarrassing.

now it's your turn. link up below with your confessions. 



  1. These are some pretty awesome confessions. My niece doesn't love pizza either and I think she's so strange ;)

  2. Haha. Some of these made me laugh. I really think McD nuggets are disgusting! I will take my kids to Chick Fil A before McD for chicken nuggets! I have never heard of outshine popsicles. And, wow... I have never met anyone that doesn't like pizza (except a super picky kid in Nat's class who will just eat the crust).

  3. These are great!! I always drink Dr Pepper right out of the 2 liter if it's at my house and no one is around. I drink out of the apple juice or the orange juice too. I would probably drink out of the milk carton if I liked milk. Yuck!

  4. was it left over diet coke from the soiree?

  5. Pretty sure the east coast is the pizza capital of the US so I have to like pizza. And I do.


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