Friday, June 26, 2015

family time

i've talked about living far away from my immediate and extended family. i do live far away from my immediate family, but i actually live fairly close to a lot of extended family. i live about an hour away from many of my mom's cousins, yet i never see them or their families.

my mom's aunt passed away last week. she was old, and her health was failing. although it is sad to lose loved ones, everyone agrees that it was her time to go, and she is in a much better place. although we mourn the loss, it was also a happy time to reunite with family. my grandparents, and aunt and uncle came up. we also got to spent the day with my mom's cousins-people i haven't seen for years. it was fun to get re-acquainted with them and catch up on their lives. even though i don't see them often, i'm grateful for my very extended family.
my mom's cousins (does that make them my 1st cousins once removed?)
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1 comment:

  1. I live far away from family too. I really treasure the time I get to spend with them!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle


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