Monday, November 2, 2015

2015 goal update...FOCUS on...finances

if halloween wouldn't have been this weekend, i would have no idea october is over. it was 70 degrees on saturday and pretty warm yesterday. i'm definitely not complaining, but it is very weird for utah. christmas is going to sneak up on me if things keep going this way.
it might not feel like it, but it does look like fall here.

warm weather of not, the month really did end. here's my goal update.
OCTOBER was FOCUS on finances
1. write down all money spent starting today (i should have started oct 1, but i didn't)-i did pretty well. i forgot a few times, but overall i did ok. it helped me be a little more accountable for my money.
2. pay for all drinks (soda) in cash ($30 cash budget for drinks for the month. i did this in the past and have gotten out of the habit.)-check
3. save a little each week in cash (per the challenge from elder durrant in lds general conference to save a little each week and also ponderize-focus on a verse of scripture-yes and no. i forgot to do it each week, but i did get the amount this weekend and save it

after talking with some friends a couple of weeks ago, i decided i really need to stop and think about the why for a lot of things in my life. 
1. spend 5 minutes each day being still/pondering
2. record 3 good things about my day in my journal each night (i have done this in the past and really liked it)
3. create mission statement for my blog

the year is coming to a rapid end. how are your goals going?

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