Friday, November 27, 2015

glasses or no glasses

i've talked about glasses before. this isn't the first time you've seen these pictures either. i don't have many pictures wearing glasses because i don't wear them very often. ever since i ordered these glasses from firmoo i want more glasses. i was kind of scared to order glasses online, but it was so easy-upload a picture, try on glasses, add your prescription, wait a few days and you have new glasses. even though i rarely wear glasses, i want more.

since i don't wear them very often i prefer not to spend a ton. firmoo is not only easy to use but very affordable. i've teamed up with them to offer one of you a free pair. enter with rafflecopter below.

 photo aubrey-sig_zps0ck6qpqn.png
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. You look great in glasses! I don't need glasses, so glasses for fashion is still something I'm wrapping my brain around!

  2. I like #SF1340 in red.

  3. So fun! Just found your blog last week and enjoying it so far!

  4. Ooh, Scott needs new glasses! haha. I'd pick these for him:


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