Friday, March 7, 2014

foodie friday...homemade peppermint oreos

have you ever made homemade oreos? please say yes. i made them here and here. they are quick and easy and definitely a go to for me. i needed a treat to take to a party the other night and really really didn't want to go to the store. I most always have cake mixes on hand so this was an easy choice. I already had buttercream frosting as well as chopped up candy cane from december's what would you do post. the cookies + frosting + candy cane accents were quick and easy and a total hit.

1 devil's food (or any other flavor) cake mix
2 eggs
1/3 c oil
combine ingredients, mix, roll into small ball, bake on greased cookie shot for 8-10 minutes 350*

buttercream frosting (makes way more than plenty for cookies)
4 c powdered sugar
1/4 c milk
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 c butter
1/4 c shortening

add peppermint extract to taste

after cookies cool, frost cookie and make cookie sandwich, roll in crushed peppermint.

everyone loved these. plain frosting especially cream cheese frosting is really good, but i want to try more flavors. maybe coconut next?!? what other flavors should i try?



  1. Homemade Oreo cookies are by far my favorite guilty pleasure. I love making mine with confetti cake mix though, super delicious.!

  2. Perhaps I'll try making these some day but nothing beats Oreos. I'm going to go have one now.

  3. They're so pretty!!! and I love that your filling isn't cream cheese based. I love homemade oreos, but I have a hard time with the cream cheesy frosting. I never thought to do buttercream! :) Pinning these! :)


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