Monday, February 2, 2015

2015 goal update...FOCUS on...FITNESS

january went by really fast this year. i can't believe it's already time to FOCUS on something else. so how did january's FOCUS on FITNESS go?
st george marathon finish line

1. exercise 6x/week-check. 
i'm glad i didn't say go to the gym 6x/week. i worked out at home a few of those days which isn't my favorite. this month i'm going to continue to work on getting to the gym daily
2. lift weights at least 2x/week-check
i did it, but i kind of did the bare minimum. 
3. 100 situps daily-check

february is FOCUS on LOVE
the dictionary says love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person; a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection. my goals for this month encompass multiple aspects of love.
1. explore online dating
i know that's not very specific, but i need to do a little more thinking/research before making the goal specific
2. prep birthday cards for the year
i love sending birthday cards in the mail, but i am almost always behind sending them out. it's one of my favorite ways to show love to my friends. make sure i have your address/birthday if you want a card in the mail
3. weekly random acts of kindness
there are almost daily opportunities to do something nice for someone else. i'm excited to take advantage of those opportunities.

an important part of setting goals is setting up rewards. if i accomplish my goals this month, my reward will be a new date outfit.

did you set goals for january? link up below so we can all encourage and support each other.



  1. I need to work on my fitness... I feel great when my fitbit tells me I've been "very active" for close to half an hour four or five days a week :P :P :P Thank goodness for campus walking.

  2. Good luck on your goals this month!! I just added my goals to the link up!

  3. Way to go! I'm excited that you're possibly exploring online dating! Also, I think it's awesome that you send out birthday cards!

  4. Working out daily is a huge undertaking! Congratulations on making it happen!

  5. Best wishes! I actually met my husband through online dating :)

  6. You've already shown plenty of love to me! Like the time you personally delivered the nail polish and then stayed to visit! It meant so much to me as I was starting to feel very cabin-feverish and isolated due to having a brand new baby!


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